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"I told Dwayne not to fuck with me again. Can you believe he'd just fuck that slut and then try to talk to me as if it were cookies and rainbows? He can't have his cake and eat it." Stefanie continues to complain.

Behind her lovely bitching about a guy- that I told her to dumb multiple times- I was thinking about my father. Stefanie is my best friend, pretty much equivalent to me. Stefanie dusted off a fly in her car, that invited itself in through the cracked windows in the car. While doing so I admired her darker tone and how it glistened underneath the sun.

With a quick glance my way Stefanie said, "You heard me?"

I heard her clear. The energy it would take to respond to a guy like Dwayne is time-consuming. With my lack of sleep, I have no time or energy to argue with her about it.

I stared out from her tinted Toyota and watched the tall buildings pass by on I95. My hands escape through the windows, feeling the rush of the wind. I quickly realized I hadn't had my nails properly done since finding out my father died, and my hair is probably growing split ends at this point. Unlike Stefanie who has her self-maintenance up to par, I am lacking in all areas.

"Nova, you good, sis?"

Folding my hands back on my lap, I smile. "I'm good. Just tired."

Stefanie looked at me. Her eyes were filled with sorrow, like everybody else I've encountered. Even my professors. I know she felt bad for me. Everyone did.

I feel bad for me.

I need to get out of this rut. It's been a whole month now. If my father was here, he would tell me to stop crying and to move on with my life.

"You're not mad I didn't go to the funeral, are you? You know how I don't do good with death and shit. That stuff freaks me the fuck out." Stefanie drawled.

"I'm glad you didn't come. It was too depressing."

I don't think I enjoyed one part of it. It's not meant for enjoying, but my father always said when or if he were to die, he would want us to celebrate with laughter and not tears.

I guess I can thank that strange Marino guy.

I pick at my fingernails. "I just want to go to the apartment and the stupid meeting, then go to sleep."

As it seems, my father had a lot of people around Miami and Florida that knew of him. Since the funeral, my mother and I have received flowers and money from strangers. We would, of course, mail the money back because that's not the type of people we are. I expected my Grandmother to be one of the senders of cards and flowers, but I didn't expect her to be mourning Father's death at all.

During the funeral, we had to end it early due to more news about my father's death. I didn't want to hear it. I just wanted the nightmare to end. They had a few people to suspect but they can't know for sure until they bring them in for questioning. They mentioned my father had a Will that was written out for me. I expected it, but I didn't care for it. 

There's nothing there I could want. He made good money with his firm, but I assumed he put money aside for his retirement. The investigators insisted that I sign off on the Will before anyone else did.

I wasn't sure how that would be possible. As far as I know, I'm the only child he has. Yet they demanded I do it since fraudulent acts can occur. They claimed someone could pose as Nova Davis and take everything my father owned.

I don't believe it to be much besides the one-bedroom apartment North of Miami and a yellow Mustang that I couldn't stand. I didn't want any of it. But I agreed to sign the Will, and most likely, I will sell the apartment and car.

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