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Fair warning ⚠️
Trigger SA scene towards the end of the chapter.
I tried to not make it as descriptive for y'all.


I shut my eyes, embracing Enzo's fingers messaging the scalp of my hands. Just as I was to drift away to sleep, he said those words again, I love you. I pretended to go to sleep until I eventually drifted off.

Those words are so wrong. I've been in love before, and hell, I still am in love. My relationship with Miguel isn't something to just forget.

We've spent years together, we planned to marry and maybe have children if I wanted to. He was to be a detective and I was to be a top Doctor in Miami, but it all changed when Enzo came into my life. And after hearing the real reason he spoke to me, I couldn't let myself fully open up to him.

The sex is great, but that's all I hoped it would be. Enzo kept saying those damn words, making me crumble to the core. I like him there was no doubt. To love him would take a great amount of effort on my part.

Effort that I'm not willing to take part In.

My head was being guided with movements on how to please Enzo. His grip on my hair was tight, but light enough to not be harmful.

"That mouth of yours is driving me crazy." he groaned. I could feel his length tightening and jerking. My free hands went down to grab his sacks and he jerked. "You're not playing fair."

I peer my head up, smiling. We were playing a little game to see who would come first. I of course said he would and I fully attended to make that happen. "We didn't set any rules, did we?"

"We should've." Enzo tried to hoist me up. I won't let him have this. I will win.

I would say we are going on three minutes now.
My hands hastily slide up and down his cock. The faster my hands moved and my head bobbed the better chances I had of making him cum.

Without any warning, I could feel warm liquids shooting up my mouth.

"Fuck, Nova." Enzo grasped my hands, urging me to stop.

I wiped my mouth after successfully making him unleash himself. It was early morning but I had a taste of horniness that needed attention.

It was Enzo's turn to go down on me without me having to ask.

After he placed himself under the white sheets, my phone buzzed. I ignored it the first and the third time, pushing Enzo's head closer to my sex, and then the phone buzzed again.

Defeated I pulled myself away to answer Stefanie's call.

She sounded distressed. I couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. Her panicked tone boomed through the phone, even making Enzo peer up from under the sheets.

His phone rang not so long ago after mine and he picked it up.

"He-he-," she breathed, I could hear her throat closing and opening from over the phone. "I called him last night to tell him about the baby, I called to tell him, it was ok. But his mom answered the phone this morning and said he-" she choked.

Enzo hurried out of bed screaming over his phone call. "It's only been one fucking week! Call Marco and tell him I need him down here now! Not tomorrow, not the next day, now!"

Dwayne was pronounced dead in his own home. His mother saw the men that burst through their house in all black with rifles in their hands. They kindly ignored the poor old woman and shot up Dwayne in his sleep. He hadn't even had the chance to defend himself.

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