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I fucked up and pissed Nova off. We were doing great. Crazy sex days and nights, and staying on good grounds.

Recently things have been twisting within the Siena. As an official and not aspiring leader of Capo, my father has given me the full ropes, of course with Aldo's permission. He hasn't had time to approve but Rocco, being the underboss doesn't seem to mind it.

Speaking with him was like talking to a boss baby. Personally, I think he is too young to be underboss and his friend Elio is too young to be Consigliere.

"All is good on our end," I lie to Rocco.

Over the phone, I could hear chatting. "Good. I would hate to come down there myself and fix things. We can not afford to get sloppy again. Playing ping-pong to see who is Capo or not isn't a good look. It would leave the other enemies in the country to believe we don't have our shit together. We needed to remain strong and organized." said, Rocco.

"Understood," I said.

I tried not to think that maybe he accepted me because his soon-to-be wife was my sister, but I thanked him. The thought of me betraying him didn't even cross my mind.

That's a problem for another day.

Meanwhile, I've been getting insights in New York about Aldo. I guess Marco being in New York wasn't so bad after all. He was to report to me with anything suspicious that he may have noticed. So far nothing has been reported but I wouldn't doubt there would be something sneaky Aldo was doing. He's always been fucking sneaky.

I roll over to my left expecting to feel the warm embrace of my golden girl. The bed was empty, but warm still. I know she's still upset I hoped she would let it go this morning.

I walked into the bathroom where she stood brushing her teeth. She still had her bonnet over her curls. I love waking up to her in her natural state.

I tucked myself behind her, holding her close. She removed herself from my grasp and walked to the second sink.

Defeated I held on to the counter, I gripped it to control my anger. She walked past me after rinsing her mouth as if there was nothing to speak of.

I finished brushing my teeth, and walked out of the bathroom; she had grabbed her lab coat and her textbook, ready to leave. "You're still going to school?" I asked her.

She cocked her head to the side. "Yes, I'm still going to school. What, did you think I would stop just because I married you?" she scoffs. "I'm not a housewife."

"You're married to a Capo. There's no need to go to school and work. Didn't you learn anything this past month?"

"Yep. I learned that my husband is a douchebag, just as I thought before. And I learned that he doesn't respect me, even though he swears up and down that he does."

She tries to walk out of the room and I stop her. "I respect you, Nova."

"If you respect me. You would move out of my damn way and let me go to school. I told you once before Enzo, marriage was not on the list. Just because we signed papers, said 'I do' and had crazy sex doesn't mean we are really married. You and I both know the only reason I said yes to you. And that woman is waiting for me in the car. Get out of my way. Now!"

I held my hand up from the door, letting her go.

Just as I expected. This marriage is a fucking sham, but I'll be damned if I let it go on this way for the rest of our lives. She may not admit that she loves me, but I won't stop proving that I love her.

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