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I turned to my left side on the bed after experiencing yet another wet. Of course about no one other than Nova.

Damn it's fucking complicated to get the woman out of my head. Occupying my time with someone else wasn't even worthwhile.

My eyes open and widen at the fact that Savannah was still in my bed, laying on her stomach. Her body, clothesless with the silk sheets reaching her hips. Her hair wasn't tamed and it spreaded across my pillows.


I did it again. This being the second night I blacked out drunk in my apartment and called her over.

She was nothing but a quick fix to ejaculate from my invasions of Nova.

I shoved her body to wake her. My mind is in the damn gutters and I don't need her here to make things worse.

"You need to leave," I said.

She hummed and groaned, fighting the strength to open her eyes. "Leave, Savannah."

Savannah fliped over to her bac, putting her hands on my face. I removed them in a hurry.

"Why are you so damn grumpy in the morning?" Savannah turns her hip, placing her legs on me then sits on top of my morning erection. "Oh my god. I love waking up to this," she rocked her hips back and forth and slides bare pussy onto me.

I could fell her arousal increasing as her liquid slide on me. She moaned and moved herself faster.

There was no denying that it felt good, but I can't do this right now. I pick her up by the hips and shove her away to sit up on the bed.

"What's your deal? If you call me over two nights in a row for a quick fuck, why aren't we continuing?"

"Your work here is done. I have things to do."

She scoffs and grabs her clothes from the floor. "Screw you. I'm not some kind of hooker."

"You already screwed me. What more could you want? You already knew what the deal was the moment I called you over."

"Dick." Savannah utters under her breath while placing her clothes back on.

I took a cold shower when she left. Just as I was about to leave the room in a two piece suit and my new watch, a woman who seemed to be in her fifties stood at my door.

"Good morning sir." She smiled.

I looked down glancing at her bucket of cleaning products and rags. She walked into my room uninvted and removed my sheets from my bed. Secondhand embarrassed spread across my face when she noticed my specimens all over.

"I was going to do that." I said.

"No you weren't." Claire popped up by my door. "Poppy, this is my not so clean brother Enzo. He works a lot running two businesses and other things," her eyes slide to me. "So he'll be needing someone coming in every day to pick up after him."

Claire walked away towards the hall after speaking and I followed her.

"What the hell Claire?"

"I've been here for not even a whole week and you have been a mess. I don't know even know-how you manage to keep the condo from getting cluttered. You don't fix the fridge, you don't change your sheets frequently and your laundry room gets piled up."

"I have someone come every weekend to clean." I tell her.

"Not anymore you don't." she hands me a plate of food. Bagels, eggs, and bacon. "Poppy fixed your breakfast and brought groceries for you for the week. And would you look at that, it's only seven thirty."

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