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It took every fiber in me not to walk into whatever meeting they were having after the funeral. I wanted to be a part of it, only to hear what we have to deal with within the death case of Luis.

They ended the funeral sooner than expected and showed everyone the door, Including me. I could've pulled a few strings if I wanted to, but considering Miguel was there I didn't want to take the chance.

During the funeral, I was struck with shock finding out Nova is with Miguel. My childhood friend that ended up in a damn shame.

I was standing by the fruit bar, watching her steadily as she sat on the green sofa near the front door. She was clung to that chair, the awful familiar feeling made me think of my mother when she had passed away.

Nova watched everyone come by and speak to her as they pleased. She had nothing to say to them. Miguel went up to her and placed his hands on her shoulder to comfort her. She winced at his touch and got up to leave him. As she walked, he told her he loved her.

As if that will make this day any better.

That's unfortunate. Quite frankly pathetic.

Just as she walked, he glared up and caught me between the two of them. His brows lowered in confusion, or maybe wrath at the sight of me still around. He noticed me at the burial but didn't have the time to pull me aside and chastise me for being there.

I'm taking it now, he thinks it's a good time.

I shot him a conniving smile and turned around to find Nova. Of course, the woman I am to marry is with him. That just makes this a little bit more fun on my end.

Before I stepped closer to the back, I was tugged on the shoulders. I turned because I knew it was him and I wanted to hear what he had to say this time around. "What the hell are you doing here?" Miguel hissed.

"Luis was a good friend to my family. Come on Miguel you know that."

"Cut the crap Enzo. Do you have any idea how much trouble you can get into for being here? We already have warrants on you and your father."

Shit. Already?

I guess they raided Luis's apartment and found a few things with our names on it. Which is why I hated doing business with the man at times. I made plenty of mistakes but even I knew, you had to play it safe.

"You can search us all you want. But there isn't anything to find. You know I work very hard for my money and my businesses." I express, only to steer from the topic of warrants.

"Just because you buy a few properties and make it into something or go on some show, doesn't mean we won't be watching you."

Fuck this guy is annoying. I'm not sure why or how I ended up friends with him. He was the geese of them all in middle and high school, and I was the one to always protect him from the prick bullies. With me around no one could touch him. Which is why I expected him to return the favor when I told him about taking over Siena's. But unexpectedly, he completely turned his back on me. The week after that I got my first police raid.

I called him a dead man and considered killing him for it. But I didn't need any more blood on my hands.

Before he was to open his pussy ass mouth his phone rang in his shirt pocket. What kind of man uses their shirt pocket?

God was she fucking perfect. I had a feeling she would be good-looking from the picture father showed me didn't do her justice for her true beauty in person.

It took a lot for me to not grab her by the hand and flirt a little, considering it was her father's funeral, I didn't. So Instead, I did the opposite of what everyone was doing inside. I chose to make her laugh or smile, hoping I would leave an imprint in her mind.

Right after, a woman, who I take to be her mom, peeked out to call her inside. When she mentioned it was an emergency, I stepped into my car and brought out my burner phone from under the steering wheel to text my father.

Me: "We have a problem"

Father: "Take it up with someone else, I have a meeting in five"

No fucking help there. So I drove to the bar to meet up with our tech man, Dominic. Marco was already there waiting for us with Francesco, my inspiring hitman. We sat at the bar that stayed closed. We didn't open for another hour so it was the perfect time to talk.

"That fucking prick left our names on his laptop. I was able to get into his hardware. He emailed some weirdo with an unknown email. A creep. Pony65." Says Dom. "Before I was able to get rid of it all. I got kicked out. So the moment you hit me up I already knew what was going down."

"What was on the email?" I asked.

He stared at me with a look of uncertainty. As if he didn't want to tell me.

"Fucking speak Dom," Marco tells him.

"Alright. Alright. He emailed this person that the Sim-swapping was under your ruling Enzo. He mentioned the numbers and the company networks."

Fuck. The phishing. We send out emails from companies that are common to gain personal information. Father told me to never go that route. Too many mobs back in Italy are being arrested for it. But we aren't like them. We are better than that. Unlike them, we have hidden politicians, judges, and lawyers on our side. As long as we give them what they want they return the favor. 

We thought Luis was one we could trust, but he wasn't, I guess.

"One more thing." Dom pulls out a flash drive from his pockets. "I would hold on to this if I were you. There's a list of names on it. I don't know what any of it means but I'm leaving that to you."

I could care less about the damn list of names. I took the flash drive and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Just when we had them off our ass, they come back to bite us. You know what to do right?" I ask him.

He nods his head in compliance. Dom is the best out there to hack into systems for us. Which is why we pay him nearly as much as my father makes. 

"How did things go with that wife of yours?" Marco asked me. I refrained from telling them much considering I have yet to get closer to her.

My father expects me to propose to her before re-election which is three months away. She seems like the type to not give it up so easily. Seems like I'm going to have to work hard for this.

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