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I tucked the platinum diamond cut ring back into the black box and in the pants pocket of my suit. I watched my men groom themselves to the part. They buffed their cologne, swiped any remaining lent off their suit, and made sure their hair was neat. This was no traditional wedding.

This was rushed, built on threats and a wedding that my bride could care less for. I knew that in her head, she wished she could be elsewhere besides here. I only hoped for her to see that this could lead us to a good start in our relationship.

In any other traditional marriage in our world, there was time to plan. Time to accept your fate with the other partner. But with us, there was no time.

I didn't need time to decide my love for her.

For her, this means nothing, but for me, it's everything.

I greeted the guests who arrived and even said hi to Nova's mother and Stefanie, who sat in the front of the ceremony. This wedding was such a shortcoming that they didn't have time to invite their family from France, that or Nova would be embarrassed by me to invite the family she had.

I feel myself weakening in her favor for a tough guy like me.

The ordained man held his book to my right, the bridal song began, and everyone stood in accordance, waiting for her to reveal herself and walk down the aisle.

There was a weight in my chest that couldn't drop, not until I saw her. From the crowd, I noticed men from the Siena that come from the States. Then there was my father, who gave me a pleasing Curt nod. He told me this morning, I was doing the right thing.

I hoped I was doing the right thing, but couldn't help to feel that this was wrong. She doesn't want this. And she doesn't want me.

The heavy doors ahead of me open, and the altar then emptied. My heart started to beat at every step she took.

The moment she walked down the aisle, I only saw her. Her white slim dress trailed the carpet of the church. Nothing holy crossed my mind the moment we locked eyes.

Her sweet innocent brown pearls glistened at the sight of me. Suddenly I got a little bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, she could enjoy this journey with me.

The guest seated, as she handed her flowers to her mother. They exchanged smiles, and for a moment, I noticed a look her mother shared with my father.

I ignored it and focused my attention on my bride. I slowly held my hand out, waiting to see if she would let me take her hands upon mine. She contemplated for a split second, then willingly dropped her soft, manicured hand in mine.

I held them tight but loose enough to let her go if she wanted to.

The ordained man began to speak, and I heard nothing but words come out of his mouth. Even if I wanted to understand, my mind was rambled by this fucking golden beauty in my sight. I want to know what she's thinking.

"Enzo," Nova whispered, drawing my attention.


"You have to follow what he says."

I stared at the man, waiting for me to get my shit together. Almost forgetting that I had my own vows to read, I reached into my pants pockets, pulling out a note that I stayed up putting together.

I watch as her eyes widen in shock as if she didn't expect me to. I didn't expect to either, but I need her to know she will be safe with me as husband and wife.

"In the past, I told you I love you. You didn't believe me then, but today I hope-pray that you take my words into consideration. There is no remedy to love but only to love harder. Nova, my golden prize, you give me hope every day that life isn't as bad as it seems. Your smiles give me the delight that I longed for my whole life. I know things have been complicated, but everything else becomes ash when I'm with you. Do you remember the very first day we met? From the very moment I noticed you, I knew there was something special to you. You make hard days easy and the easy days into rainbows. With pride and joy, on this very day, I take you to be my wife and to join as a team that can weather any storm during any season of our lives. As I am to be your's, I promise to kiss the very ground you walk upon, cherish every moment we spend together, and take this marriage with me to my damn grave. I know this love comes from God, so with that, I'll share this love with you until my dying breath."

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