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Sipping tea and gossip was never my thing. As I said before some nice drinks and a club would serve me perfectly. I look between the outfits of a yellow sundress and a golden one to attend this brunch with. I have to meet a bunch of girls I rarely speak with.

Since the announcement of our engagement has come alive, Enzo told me that some females of the Siena are taking the trip to see me.

They want to make me feel comfortable In this life they live. I dreaded it. I only wished to be around Stefanie, but with her pregnancy that wasn't a risk to take.

The burner phone beeps once more in my purse after I chose the yellow dress. It's been a headache having to hide the phone from Enzo.

His brother has been keeping in contact with me, telling me to back off the guards and asking for the wire numbers. I didn't reply to any of it, because I figured if he was to truly attack, he would have already. Just like Enzo said,
calling on his bluff.

I stepped out of my car. Enzo insisted on having security drive me, but he didn't fight me on my refusal.

The house I was told to meet at was a beautiful estate near a lake. The white wooden farm-like home, that smelt of blooming flowers and fresh lemon cakes nearly made me have an orgasmic feeling.

"Oh, she's here!" I hear a familiar voice scream from inside.

The door swings open and Paola greets me with a smile. "I knew I would see you again. I told you, you can't escape this life even if you wanted to." She pulled me inside. The back door of the house is open, exposing the lake that was being picked up by the wind.

A small number of females sat outback mingling and talking. "Welcome to my home! I barely come here, but when we visit Florida this is where we stay." she gestured her hand around.

"It's nice."

"Thank you! You look even better than the first day I met you. Come, the girls are eager to see you!"

Paola brings me to the back where they remained. A few familiar faces greeted me. Such as Arabella, Claire, and some girls that I met at the campaign gathering. Only I can't recall their name.

"Have you met Bianca, Francesco's fiance, and Amanda, she's Domomics wife." Paola reminds me.

I told her how we met before and she clasped her hands.

"Oh good! Well in that case. This is Alaina and Elizabeth. We are just a small amount of the ladies of the Siena family. One day you will meet everyone. Aldo usually hosts these gatherings for us every year, it's like a watch party, they call it. They do it to admire and acknowledge the hard-working men in Siena." Paola explained. She certainly has a mouth that never stops. It's cute in some way.

Alaina is a tiny thing. She seems young but cute. She pulls her shiny platinum hair to the front and strokes the strands that reach her elbows. Elizabeth is a bit more on the slim curvy side, except she has black hair.

I prayed they were sisters to the men in what they call family, and not wives or fiance's, like me.

Claire and Arabella shot me a knowing smile, and I sat between the both of them. I glared over all the choices of food and found myself suddenly only hungry for lemon cake. But first I wanted to see if Claire was okay. She left the dinner abruptly after I left her to speak with Marco.

Instead of me comforting her first, she placed her hands over mine. Her eyes seemed as if she hadn't slept in days, and her skin was cold. "Are you ok?" She asked me. Her voice cracked.

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