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I didn't pay much attention to Claire as she nervously looked around. Amanda clicked her tongue while shaking her head. "This man is weird anyway. The last time I saw you guys together he just rubbed me off in a weird way. I hate to say it but-" her fingers gestured in a scissors way, signaling Claire to cut him off.

Claire laughs and nods, "Yeah, we are done."

Bianca lets out a breath of release. Her shoulders sagged and she held onto Claire's hands. "Good for you babe. Now that you are aware of the Siena Circle maybe it's best if you date within the family. I mean there's soldiers, and other folks that could use a lady."

Bianca's response took me off guard and confused me a bit.

"Bianca-" Enzo blurted her name out in a warning tone.

Bianca's partner, Francesco pulled her closer to him and whispered something in her ear. Bianca soon turned red in the face.

"What's the Siena?" I asked.

"It's this stupid group thing," Arabella replied. "Tell me, Nova, I hear you're going for your doctorates, that's so damn cool."

Before I was able to say anything Enzo began to pull me. As if he didn't want me there for that conversation. "On to the next," he said.

I jerk myself from his grasp. "That was rude. I wanted to talk to her."

"Trust me, you would be begging me to bring you out of the conversation the longer we stayed."

I rolled my eyes and peered up at Enzo. "What is the Siena? Care to go into detail?"

"Like Arabella said, it's a group. Like team."

I regarded his response without thinking ahead of it.

Enzo leads me to another crowd filled with older men in ties and suits. Just as we got close a woman came around with a tray of pins that printed, 'Vote for Marino'.

"No thanks." I denied.

I would rather pour bleach on my eyes than represent Marino. It is worse enough I am here. God, I should've just said no.

Enzo's letter was hard to resist, though. I wanted everything that he mentioned to happen. Besides the part about being his. I am down for fun and games but as for another relationship, I missed that flight, and I don't care for it.

"I'm not a fan either." Enzo leans in to tell me. "You know if you don't want to meet my father, it's not too late to leave."

Before I opened my mouth to say yes, his father walked up to us. It's not hard to miss his appearance, he is on tv all the time as he talks about fucking up our school system and changing our state with an aggressive government approach. Yet, people still vote for him.

"Father." Enzo's voice changed from caring to deep and hatred. "This is Nova Davis."

Alessandro smiles and holds his hands out to shake mine. "Nice to meet you."

I kept my hands to myself. "Likewise." I stifle my harsh glance.

He had noticed but didn't dare to care for it. "Have you guys taken pictures by the banners yet? The press would love to see you guys together." He said more to Enzo than me.

Plus this isn't what he possibly thinks it is. We aren't here together as a couple or any kind of title. I am only here to support Enzo and to hopefully jump his bones after this.

Enzo sighs then says, "She's not comfortable representing you father."

Alessandro holds his hand up. "Hey, I don't blame her. Politics is a hard cruel topic. Everyone has their preference. But may I ask why are you hostile to my leadership style." Alessandro shifts his gaze to me. His eyes roam my dress and smiles a bit too hard.

I wasn't sure how to put it to him that his time as our governor is giving, Warren G. Harding, vibes. He is just as corrupt as any of the governors or even past presidents.

I had so many reasons to not like him, but instead, I said, "Well for starters you make the LGBTQ not feel welcomed in their own state, our education system is coming to shit and you just let anyone carry a gun out here as if we already don't have a high crime and murder rates." maybe it was a bit much.

"Highly opinionated, I like it." He shares a grimacing smile.

I wanted to slap that smile off his face, but if I did I would be in the back of a cop car explaining why I did it, and there was no need for debates around Florida.

"There you have it father. Just another resident who isn't a fan of your work. Maybe it's time for a different approach. After all President Harding was all about his lies and scandals and he didn't seem to stay in office if I remember correctly." Enzo adds to my flame.

I hadn't expected him to talk to his father like that let alone agree with me.

Something about it made me smile.

Alessandro grins between the both of us and emits a long breath. "Well. I am at least glad you guys made it. Enzo when you get a chance I need a word with you." he turned to me and tilted his head forward. "Nova, it's a pleasure to meet you. Lovely dress by the way."

I nod my head and return a forceful smile towards the man.

"He seems pleasant," I said.

Enzo turns me to face him. He pockets a curl of my hair behind my ears and says, "He's nowhere near pleasant. How about you go hang out with Claire and them, and I'll be back. There is food here but I don't think you should eat it." His head shakes.

I took his word for it. I will certainly not eat whatever food they display. "I rather starve and stay up late to cook my own set of food," I tell him. "And I don't think your sister and her friends are my kind of people. I don't belong in the money team."

"Dont be ridiculous, they are good people. And as for the food thing, I would love to get some lessons from you." he takes my hand and kisses the back of it. "I'll be back."

When he told me to venture out with his sister and her friends, I did the opposite. I hid in the bathroom like a scared rabbit in a hole. "What are you doing here? You aren't this person. No dick is worth losing yourself." I tell myself in the mirror.

The stall door in the women's bathroom opened and Claire stepped out. She placed her handbag under her arms and smiled at me. Oh crap, she heard everything I said.

"You're right. No dick like my brother is worth losing yourself. That was what you were talking about right? How he can be a dick sometimes?"

I can feel my face flushing. "Uh-erm..."

"I'm just fucking with you. I take you and he has something going on." She said. "From one female to another, no dick is worth it. Not only that but he's had his own piece of ass earlier this week. I'd hate for you to get hurt in the end."

Claire pulls out her makeup blender to blend more powder on her right cheek. "Men are garbage. And we are too good to be trampled over." She finished off.

Has he now? Has this man been fooling around with every female in Florida? Oh God why haven't I even thought of that? He's the governor's son for crying out loud, of course, he would have women chasing after him. Suddenly it all made sense to me, the doubt I was feeling about coming here was valid.

"Thank you for telling me this," I said to Claire. "I let my guard down I guess."

"No worries. Just helping a girl out."

Suddenly I had an idea. "You wouldn't happen to know his P.O. box info would you?" I ask her.

She smiled and pulled out a napkin and makeup liner.

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