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Marco held onto me. The moment I realized he wasn't Enzo, I backed away from him and ran up the stairs crying. I locked myself in our room.

My back hit the wall and I slid down to the floor. I feel dirty indeed. It's not a fucking good feeling.

This wasn't supposed to happen to me. I was supposed to stay untouched unless it was by Enzo's hands. And now his father...

I want to blame Enzo for all of this. It's his fault. Or is it mine? Fuck I don't know.

I wasn't sure what was happening down there. More gunshots rang out and I ran to the bathroom to lock myself in there as well.

I am not built for this.

I wasn't sure how long it's been since I locked myself in the bathroom. Knocking took me out of my thoughts. I backed away from the door, praying it wasn't Alessandro.

"Nova," Enzo called for me. "Can you open the door? I have our doctor here to do a check-up on you."

I stayed still.

"Nova, please. You are safe now, I promise. We need to check you and prevent anything unwanted."

Had he meant, pregnancy?

I didn't want to think of it.

Through the door I could hear Enzo talking to someone, telling them to wait downstairs.

Can I trust Enzo?

"Nova," he sounded defeated. "You can trust me."

Opening the door slowly Enzo's eyes pained. But my eyes tore with confusion looking at him and his body.

He was painted in blood. From his face to his shirt, arms, and hands. I had never seen anything like it.

"It's okay," said, Enzo. "It's not my blood. You don't have to be worried anymore. He's gone."

Gone as in dead? I sure hope so. Did Enzo kill his father? What about my mother? I have been so selfish drowning in my misery I haven't thought to check on Mother.

"My mom." I cry. "Is she alive?"

Enzo couldn't meet my gaze. He stayed silent. I didn't like that one bit.

"Enzo! My mother! Is-she-alive?"

When he wouldn't answer me again, I slammed my fist onto his blood-covered shirt repeatedly. "This is your fault! All of this is your fault! You did this! You ruined me! You ruined me. You-" I sob heavily and pause when Enzo took me into his arms.

I wanted to back away. I wanted to slap him, but in his arms, I felt safe, felt comfort.

Shortly before I left the doctor checked me. I didn't ask how they can work under the Siena knowing the things that occur. But their payout was far more than the actual job.

I demanded to be taken to my mom's house that day. Enzo's men had tried to take her body but I fought them with tooth and nail to keep her where she was.

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