4: so many secrets

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Taehyung never thought he heard about such things, yet here he was, listening to the most amazing stories he had ever heard. stories about such unique places. places he didn't think excised.

"So...there is a floating island in the sky? like actual ground??" Taehyung asked amazed while he put the last item into Jungkook's crate and they started to walk away from the market.

"Yes of course, it's not easy to get there. but trust me when i say, there is a whole world out there with things you can't even imagine."

"i would love to go there, it sounds truly amazing"

"then go with me, i know you don't like it here"

"how do you know that?"

"you aren't good at keeping that a secret. And well.." Jungkook paused and shook his head.

"no, tell me. don't keep secrets from me, i am a prince. I demand you to tell me!" Taehyung would be consumed by curiosity if Jungkook doesn't finish that sentence.

"You're not my prince dear Taehyung. You have been, but not anymore" Jungkook sighed and fixed the crate in his hands. After he said that a silence fell, taehyung didn't know what Jungkook meant with that and it was occupying his brain. But he was quite sure Jungkook wouldn't answer his questions if he were to ask about it.

"What do you mean?"

"I can not tell you, If you decide not to go with me I will not tell you and we will never meet again. But if you do decide to go with me, i can promise you i will tell you everything and show you the worlds out there"

"you sound like a kidnapper"

"I'm not! I'm a Wizard, not a kidnapper. I wouldn't do that to you"

"bu-wait... how do you know my first name?" Taehyung frowned. He doesn't recall ever telling Jungkook his first name.

"Oh, caught me lacking there. Let's just say I know a lot about you. Not in a creepy way, even if it sounds very creepy."

"you keep giving me more and more questions that probably won't ever be answered.'' Taehyung sighed and just followed Jungkook through the city. they already finished buying things and were now going somewhere who knows where. But, he didn't feel dangerous around Jungkook, it felt like he recognized him from somewhere, not from the ball but somewhere else. Nah, jungkook probably just looked like someone. "like, what do you need all these for?'' Taehyung pointed to the crate with a frown.

"For my travels obviously"

"and these sticks? are you gonna chew on them?"

"Your way of talking isn't very prince -like. You're amusing, "Jungkook chuckled. "But no, it's not food. It's to fix my fence that I accidentally broke when I fell. I made quite a rough landing. that's where the medicine is for, i have to treat my friend."

"your friend, is someone hurt? you can take them to the doctor-"

"It's no normal friend, it's a special being. If you were to come with me, i could show you"

"Why do you want me to come with you so much?" Taehyung asked and stopped walking. Jungkook sighed and also stopped walking, his back facing Taehyung who stood a meter or so behind him. The raven was thinking of the right words to say to answer that.

"There are things that I know and have seen. there are things you should know, there are consequences that need to be fixed, and i need your help"

"consequences, about what?"

"Look, i would tell you everything but i can not risk it. if i tell you now that means you will know things you are originally not supposed to know. If i tell you i have to know i can trust you."

"I am trustworthy, I just. I have things to do here, I have to become king one day. A-and i barely know you"

"you knew me, one day.. and you hate becoming a prince. fine. I will not bother you with it. you can do what you want. I will not force you to do anything. But there is one last thing I want to show you. please wait right here for me alright?"

"wait.. where are you going?" Taehyung asked and grabbed Jungkook's jacket.

"to grab something, i will come back. just wait right here, don't go anywhere."



And so Taehyung waited for Jungkook to return. It took quite a while, but finally Jungkook returned, turning around the corner and approaching Taehyung who patiently had waited for him on the bench in the street. Once he saw the wizard he stood up and waved at him.

"Sorry i took so long, i wanted to give the medicine for my friend before i left her again"

"It's a girl?"

"Well not quite, well yes. it's complicated, i'm not going to tell you now." Jungkook then extended his hand pushing a small book into Taehyung's hands. "these are a part of my travel notes, there are drawings. some souvenirs and stories of me. read them. I will come back for it before leave this kingdom."

"Why are you giving me this?"

"you will see, just... just read them. If I tell you myself I leave a trace that is too big to erase."

"You are so confusing. but okay, i will read it"

"oh and, do NOT lose it. i need it back"

"don't worry, it's perfectly safe with me, I won't lose it. Ive had book before, and they are all still there. well, in our library but still."

"I leave this Sunday, I scheduled to arrive at my next stop by Tuesday. I've lost enough time already. but my friend needs time to rest, so by Sunday I will leave."

"okay, then i will see you.... in a few days"

"Good, then, have fun reading. you're gonna love them, adventuring is great, so much fun to be had. Anyway, I have to get back to my friend now. see you Sunday!"

"see.. you" taehyung didn't get to properly say bye because Jungkook suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye. "a real wizard.... so cool, "Taehyung smiled. Now he was sure, Jungkook wasn't lying, he really had the title wizard. "I wonder what all he can do? '' he spoke to himself while he headed back to the palace, looking at the cover of the notebook that was messily tied with a leather strap to keep the pages closed.


thank you for reading, sorry i took so long to update TT

see you in the next chapter!


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