41: savior of lives

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Taehyung had run down stairs calling for the other. "Kook! jungkook!"

"did you just say, kook?" the wizard chuckled and went to meet the other halfway down the hallway. "oh-"

"my eyes, what is wrong with my eyes?! Why are--why are they yellow?!?"

"that's uhm. Nothing to worry about." jungkook smiled.

"this isnt normal!"

"its probably side effects from being here. It should disappear when you return home. But...It looks beautiful on you"

"it does?" Taehyung only heard the last part.  once he heard those words his heart began to race.

"they do, i do miss your natural color, but yellow is also a beautiful color for you. I like it, let me see more closely" the wizard leaned closer so close he could feel his soft breath.

Taehyung badly wanted to kiss the other. But he is too afraid to make a move. Even if they both spoke about their mutual feelings. None of the two had ever made a move to actually go further and close the gap.... Even tho they both badly wanted to.

"you're blushing. So cute" Jungkook chuckled and stepped back. He felt a pull at his heart when he did. Not only because he felt disappointed that the moment ended here but also because of the yellow eyes..... He did not plan that to happen. But it did, he just hopes its not going to bother Taehyung.

"I'm not! I'm going to finish up there now." Taehyung quickly rushed back upstairs before he was a complete nervous wreck.


A few hours it was until they were back Ouvasta kingdom. The familiar fields were back below them. Taehyung leaned on the fence and stared down at the fields below them. He had been following this purple line through the grass. It was getting bigger the further they went.

"thats...A big crack" he muttered and looked more closely. That's when it happened. A deep rumbling sound echoed through the air. The crack started to move and before he could see what happened another crack appeared and it broke off a part of the land, the stone, dirt and everything that was on that plate got sucked into the hole and disappeared.

"Jungkook! Oh my god. Look at it! Its breaking!" Taehyung shouted. The wizard who was on Zuzu her head resting was startled and almost fell off. But he regained his balance and looked down, seeing the scene below them. The ground was breaking around the gap and the hole was growing.

"oh, that's not good," Jungkook said and frowned. The world was falling apart more and more. Things were going bad.

But it doesn't have to end that way.....

Jungkook had a suspicion, there were signs. But no solid proof. But one thing at a time.

"its so close to Ouvasta..... What if it reached the city?" taehyung felt worried. It doesn't look like anything was safe here in the mainland.

"it wont" Jungkook replied to that. But he wasn't so sure of it yet. The crack was still growing.

And it grew fast. Another arm of the crack appeared and it went straight for a small village nearby. Taehyung began to panic. "No the village! Jungkook, Jungkook we gotta do something!" the human rushed to the wizard who was climbing back onto the safe shell. He pulled his shirt to get him to look down again.

"woah woah, don't push me off now." he said and looked down. This happens a lot lately.

"we have to help!"

"Tae....I know, but there are so many cracks destroying places...I cant save everyone, believe me, i tried"

"Kook...Please, we cant just fly by when we can help."

Jungkook wanted to protest against it. But seeing Taehyung looking at him with such worry in his eyes, and knowing how kind he is, he just had to. "Fine," he sighed and walked towards the cabin. "Zuzu, get us down there. Safely!" he ordered the turtle before getting inside to get a coat.


It was a rough landing. Zuzu had a hard time finding a safe spot to land on the shaking ground. So she did not stay and flew away to wait for the two owners to finish their business down on the ground.

"alright. You go help the people from here get to the hill. I will make sure the path is safe" Jungkook said. "Now go, before this place falls down!" There was no  time to lose. This place could collapse any moment now.

Taehyung didn't waste a second and began to help the fleeing people. Lot of people were carrying their children while running over the last parts of stable ground. It looked like chaos.

Too much chaos for Jungkook to focus. There was so much going on at once that he had to pay a lot of attention to keep an eye out on their safety.

"everyone follow me!" taehyung took the lead, gathering people together.

"Tae! Rocky ground, no sand alright" Jungkook shouted. The rocks were less fast to break apart. And the easiest for Jungkook to hold. The human gave a thumbs up and continued guiding the villagers to the hill.

Things went smoothly. Jungkook made sure to block collapsing homes falling on the people. But in the end  it wasn't enough. It was never enough. He tried so many times. He could never save everyone. This time again...

Taehyung was coming back to help the last two, but the cracks were too fast. They get worse and worse.

"Tae, stop!" Jungkook shouted. But he had already stepped over the line. Too late, the ground started to sink. Sand and stones collapsing into the hole.

"Ah!" Taehyung and the other people screamed and tried to get off when the ground below their feet sank.

"Fuck!" Jungkook took a step forward and raised his hands at hip height. He could feel the weight of the ground on his hands. "Come on, come on. Gather'' he muttered with a strained voice. Sand was hard to get a hold off. So he was merging them. Creating one big slab of stone.

Tarhyung felt what Jungkook was doing and crawled back on his feet. The 'ground' was unsteady but good enough to get to the unbroken ground and run to the hill. Onky Taehyung stayed behind.

He walked over to Jungkook who then dropped the ground he held and let it clatter down the hole. The wizard was panting but he wasn't done. Once all the villagers were at a safe distance he began to focus on the crack. His hands were pointed to the ground and shaking from the tension.

"woah!" Taehyung went to stand closely behind Jungkook as he watched the ground close slowly. The gap got smaller and smaller until it shut.

And Jungkook dropped the magic. He fell on his knees panting and holding his head. "alright...Headache, shit"

"Oh my god Jungkook, you just...Moved the ground!"

"Yeah....But it's hard, just let me make some cool flames and I will do it with ease" Jungkook joked and got up with the help of Taehyung who had extended his hand at him. "You go check on those people."

"you're not coming?"

"no, I shouldn't. I'll wait for you by Zuzu" Jungkook began to walk off and whistled for Zuzu.


thank you for readinggg!

Sorry this chapter was very rushed. I didn't have time to work on this story properly but its been too long already since i last updated so i wanted to get it done already... Next will be better, i promise.


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