25: trust me

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Taehyung had been standing there for a while now. He was waiting for Jungkook to notice him or come back. He had seen the wizard doze off, he had seen him talk and move.

Does he have nightmares?

Anyway, Taehyung wasn't going to say anything right now. He will wait.
And boy, that took long. Taehyung's legs had already given up so he was sitting down on the grass that grew on the turtle's shell.

And the wait was over.

Jungkook had been awake for at least ten minutes now, yet he didn't acknowledge the prince's presence yet. Until now, he turned around and looked at him in silence.

Both didn't say a word, it didn't seem fitting to speak right now. So Taehyung just watched how the wizard slid down zuzi her neck and climbed back safely behind the fence. He made his way over to Taehyung who sat elegantly in the grass, his hands folded neatly on his lap.

He sat down next to the other and sighed.

"we..i....Should talk..." Jungkook said and pulled a strand of grass from the sand to fiddle with between his fingers, a distraction from the conversation. "i will tell you what you want and need to know"

"are you sure?'' Taehyung asked. He doesn't want to force the other to talk, but he would really like to know more of the story. How was he supposed to know if he can trust Jungkook if he won't tell him his side of the story properly?

"yes. I have been told to at least trust one person and tell them what I am.... That would be you."

"You trust me?'' Taehyung was a bit surprised by that. He didn't quite expect Jungkook to trust him either.

"I trust you more than I trust myself..." the wizard chuckled. Not from happy laughter..


"because I have done things which I wanted to keep to myself. I am afraid you would be like the others and want me gone, that I would lose your trust... I am not as good a wizard as you might think I am. I make myself look so great and kind, helping others and healing those animals... but I am not like that. I have a lot of blood on my hands from my past."

"you mean... you killed people?" Taehyung said he wasn't shocked. it wasn't odd for anyone to have killed someone in this time, knights kill the enemy, what was it for a difference for a wizard? he said he tried to help in the war, he was trying to help it come to an end and save innocent lives. he will not judge such an act.

"no... well yes, but. I killed people who didn't deserve it, and I barely remember those times. They come to me in my dreams, I would realise it too late, i-i would lose control and my mind would go fossy, then when he got back to my senses it was only blood around me, anyone that would be close around me would be dead. I killed the whole small village i lived in."

"but...why? why would you kill them, there has to be reason right?'' Taehyung began to take back his thoughts about not judging the dead people. not until he heard the full story.

"I think it's triggered when I feel like my life is in danger.... At least that's what happened those two times I can remember the most clearly. These villagers didn't like me, they never did. They raised me against their will. Until i accidentally killed two of their children.... they always bullied me and would leave me black and blue somewhere outside of the village. I-i never intended to hurt them, i just wanted to complain about my hate to them... but before i realised it they were dead.... and so where the others, they tried to kill me, they beat me up and tried to stab my heart to finish the job..... and then it happened again. everyone died....." Jungkook stared ahead, his fingers stopped playing with the grass. "I never wanted to hurt anyone.... I can't control it, it doesn't come with a warning, i-its scary, so I try to avoid things that might trigger it...."

"I see," Taehyung nodded and fell silent.

"I will understand if you decide not to trust me again, or you will fear me now. But please, believe my words, everything I said to you is true. I would never want to hurt you."

"i still trust you"

"what..." Jungkook's eyes widened in disbelief. out of all things thi was the least thing he expected to hear. "why? after knowing this. How can you say that? don't say things just to make me feel better-"

"because if you are not to be trusted then you would have never told me this. then you would have never taken me to meet those people that are dear to you. we wouldn't be sitting here like this. I trust you, but i will be wary of that thing you got going on in yourself."

"Of course, yes, okay. cool.. yea...." jungkook didn't know how to act right now he wasn't prepared for this answer and it got him completely out of his prepared mental script. He didn't plan anything to say or do. He was left clueless to sit there and look awkward.

"also.... those scars and marks, what are they? i haven't seen anything like those purple things before.'' Taehyung asked, he suddenly remembered the purple things on Jungkook's body and the thick scar line.

"well... uhm the scar on my chest is from the time i was almost killed. and the others are just from other fight cases. But the markings... I'm not quite sure, I have had them since I can remember, they have gotten more if i remember correctly. but I'm not sure why I got these, "Jungkook said. and that was true, he really had no clue why he got these markings on his body. Was he born with them? did he get marked when he was born or something? he didn't know, but it might have something to do with his powers since they seemed to glow when he uses his abilities. He still has to figure this part of him out. even he himself still didn't know himself fully.

"I see.... well we are going to find out those things too right?"

"Does that mean you want to keep travelling around with me?"

"Well, I'm not so sure about that yet, but I would like it if you are able to find out what those mean, to find a way to control those evil powers of you. who knows what you will find along the way! maybe you can ask your parents?"

"i... i don't remember them"

"why not?" Taehyung's smile faded.

"I don't know, I just remember that village. but i didn't have parents there, they said they found me. I don't know if I even have a family. all my memories are so vague" jungkook frowned at the thought. "all I remember was the sound of something heavy cracking or breaking.... and this purple glow.. that's all. I assumed they might have died in an attack, like our house got crushed or something. i don't know, i try not to speculate too much and just let it be"

"Are you not curious?"

"I decided not to be, I have things I need to handle first. I want to clear my name so I can freely roam these lands without worrying to be recognized by people from the dead prince's land. I need my freedom if I want to explore my own past. and so far I have no interest in investigating that. too little leads to go with."

"That's understandable..." taehyung sighed and watched jungkook walk to the fence, leaning on his hands on them. "so, how long until our next stop?"

"In a day, we will pass through a tall mountain and from there it will be only a few hours. you will be able to see the 'mainland' as soon as we descend through the clouds." Jungkook said, his world was like a layered cake, first you had the 'mainland' with, who knows what, below it. Then above in the sky were lands scattered around. complete kingdoms high above the clouds. Hidden somewhere in the sky that always had this pinkish lavender hue to it. The skies seemed to also change in each region. Taehyung notices it only now. When they entered the azure isles the sky was a dark ocean blue color, and during the daytime a vibrant blue, right now it seemed to be a light green color.

Jungkook's world was truly fascinating.


thank you for reading, now most of the things that you need to know for now about jungkook's past we can go on with flying and get to the city already, more excitement is going to happen there. more things that will lead to a most interesting surprise.....


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