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Angel Reese


"It's been an honor to work with you, Ms.Reese" Monique said as we shared a hug

"Of course, I'm excited to be a brand ambassador for Mielle. I can't wait to partner up again" I said with a warming smile

"We can't wait to have you again" she said as I collected my stuff to go

I'm happy to say that I am the newest brand ambassador for Mielle. Coming to New York has been an amazing experience, I definitely enjoyed my time.

New York owes me nothing.

After getting my stuff together, I headed down to the truck to leave. I have a flight back to Baton Rouge in the next hour, so I'm kind of rushing.

All of my things are packed up and ready, but airports be backed up. I really don't have time to be missing my flight, I'm ready to be in my own space.

Getting back to my hotel, I quickly changed into something more comfortable for my flight. With the help from my security all of my luggage was carried to the truck. Arriving at the airport, I checked in and made my way to where my plane is taking off.

I sat down because despite of me rushing, I'm not late at all.

"Angel Reese" I heard a male voice yell before I  looked back, "Angel Reese"

I didn't see anybody, so I turned my attention back to my phone. This is one of the worst parts about coming to the airport.

Soon after it was time to board up and I got on the plane. Right after we took off, I went to sleep because I've been up since 5AM.

As soon as we landed, I headed straight out of the airport after getting my luggage. My driver was already parked outside, so I loaded up and we left.

I threw everything in the middle of my room floor with no hesitation. I'll unpack later because this jet lag is weighing me down.

I hopped straight into bed and dozed off right away.

The sound of my phone ringing scared me out of my sleep. I grabbed my phone just to see the caller ID read SISTERR 💖

"Hello" I answered still half asleep as I heard commotion on the other end

"Come open your door" Alisa said with enthusiasm in her voice

"Alisa why would you not tell me you were coming?" I asked as I got up from my bed, it's pitch black in my room

"Because I didn't have to"

I looked at the top left corner of my screen and read the time 8:33PM. That nap was great

"Whatever" I said before hanging up the phone and heading to the door

I opened the door to see Alisa smiling and I just chuckled. I can't even be mad at her for randomly popping up.

I love her.

"You look crazy" she said laughing as she brushed passed me coming in

"Because you just woke me up out my sleep"

"Well you're woke now, I'm hungry" she said before I side eyed her

"I hope you didn't come over here to eat my food"

"No, we're going to get food, so put on clothes" she said before I groaned

I'm so tired, but I haven't seen my sister in weeks so. I returned to my room with her following behind me.

"Let me throw on something real quick"

I made my way to my to dresser grabbing some sweats and a shirt. After slipping it on, I followed it up with some dunks.

"Where are we eating?" Alisa asked as she turned on my tv and adjusted the pillow on my bed

"You made the plans" I said looking her, "I expected you to know"

"I wanted us both to choose, you wanna dine in?"


"Raising Canes?" She asked before I nodded my head 'yes', "Come on, and you're driving"

We left heading to Raising Canes going inside. Because I have a deal with Rasing Canes, I get food for free.

We ordered a good bit of food, I'm sure all of it is not gonna get eaten. Fifteen minutes passed by before we got our food and went back to my place.

"Can we go on a shopping date tomorrow?"Alisa asked as she sipped from her cup

"You just wanna buy Lululemon" I said before we both started laughing

"You know I do"

"I know, but we can go because I want some shoes they didn't have in stock online" I said kind of mad about it

"Yay, we're going out as sisters" she said smiling before I laughed

"Stop acting like this our first time going out"

"It's not but you know it's been awhile" she said and nodded

"It definitely has"

Time went by fast before we realized it was midnight. We were both tired, which resulted in her spending the night.

I wasn't going to let her drive out at midnight by herself anyway.

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