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Flau'jae Johnson

"I'm looking at your feet and they terrible" I told Ameen while laughing

"What you mean my feet terrible?" He said before tryna cross me up again and I laughed harder, "Don't hate on it, Flau"

"You ain't even moving for real" I told him causing him to suck his teeth, "I love you, but Mj and them can probably do that in their sleep"

"Mane we finna leave anyways, come on" he said and I continued to laugh to myself

After conditioning I stayed for another hour, so Ameen pulled up on me. At first he was helping me, but then he wanted to play me.

He knows the game, but he can't play.

My family came from Atlanta to bring me a couple of things I left. Aside from that they just wanted a reason to be under me because school finna start.

We left making it back to my apartment after being in the car for ten minutes

"Unt unt don't eat on the couch, go to the table" I demanded to Nixon before he threw his arms up at me

"But I'm watching YouTube, Flau" he said before I shrugged not really caring as he got up

"To the table" I repeated ending the conversation, "And I'm tryna figure out why —"

I stopped and looked around my living room. Their gonna be the death of me while they're here

My couch pillows are on the floor and it's snack wrappers everywhere.

"I know what you gone say and before you say it, I aint do that" Nixon said as I continued to look, "That was Mj and Aydin"

"Mj and Aydin clean this up and throw it in the trash" I said while picking up the remote and turning off the tv

They must think they're outside.

"Y'all done came in here messing up Flau'jae stuff" Ameen said as he sat down, "Clean up"

"That's Mj" Aydin pointed at Mj while digging in his nose

"No that's you and Nixon" Mj responded before I just sighed getting irritated

"Since everybody did it, everybody gone clean up" I told them not wanting to hear nothing, "And Nixon for the second time, go to the table"

I pointed because maybe he needed some guidance. It's still crazy to think about how I have all brothers.

Being the only girl don't bother me, but having one older brother and three younger brothers is just absurd.

I went to the bathroom and barged in on my momma, I knew she'd be there.

"So you just walk in on people using the bathroom?" she asked eyeing me with a scrutinized look

"Ma they got my living room junky" I said ignoring her question, "Why you let them do that?"

"Flau' I told them to clean that up before I came in here and they knew you was gone be mad"

"Something gotta give" I said while going over to sit on the side of the tub

"Why do you do that, why do you like sitting in the bathroom while I'm using it?" She asked before I started laughing

"Cause I just like to sit and talk, you know I like being under you"

"You always been like that, I can't be mad at you" she said while shaking her head

Believe it or not, I love to be under my momma. I've been this way since I was little, but I simmered down a lot.

"You can't cause you love it, but ma I'm going into my sophomore year of college. That's crazy to think about"

"I know, I'm so happy and sad at the same time. I'm so proud of you and everything that you're doing" she said causing me to smile

"Wouldn't of been able to do it without you, you know I gotta give you your flowers"

"You know ima do what I gotta do for mine" she said being serious and I vouched with a nod, "I just want you to have a good year and focus on you"

"Oh this year, I'm going harder and we making bigger moves. I'm ready for whatever"

"We in there" she said before I got up getting hyped

"We in there, for real" I yelled excitedly as I left out the bathroom, "It's a situation"

I made way back to the living room seeing them cleaning up. Everybody agreed to watch a movie before one movie turned into two, two turned into three .

I fell asleep on the second movie because I can't sit for too long and watch tv. We decided to go to Fiery Crab after because they claim it's nothing to eat in here.

"I love you" a supporter said as I gave her a side hug

"Aw thank you, I love you too" I responded before the next person came up to me

"I just want a picture" the little girl said before I nodded and her mom held the phone up

We took the picture before she walked away allowing the next person to approach me

"Can you sign the back of my shirt?"

"Yeah, and I see you rocking the pumas" I said while looking at her shoes, "You got a sharpie?"

"No" she said causing me to chuckle a little

"You gotta go get something for me to write with. Go ask an employee" I told her before she nodded and walked away

It was a whole line in these people's establishment. As soon as I walked in people started coming up to me. I haven't even gotten a chance to sit down and eat yet.

It's all love though.

Eventually a worker came and told us that we had to sit down. Everybody went to sit down and I busted my bag of seafood open.

One thing about me is I'm gonna eat seafood. It doesn't matter what time of day it is.

I feel bad for the people who allergic, but that's more food for me.

It is what it is.

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