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Flau'jae Johnson

I have three off days ahead of me, so I'm trying to take advantage of it. I'm failing excessively because I love working, I'm a workaholic.

My momma always think I'm being hard on myself because I never wanna take a off day. It's safe to say I get it from her.

I don't see a problem.

"Flau'jae off that" my momma demanded as she walked in the living room

"I'm tryna do something" I said while continuing to look at my computer screen

"I don't care, you need to get off that computer. You got three off days and you wanna be on the computer working"

"I'm listening to this new beat, you gotta hear this one ma" I said getting up making my way over to her as she picked up something

"Flau' do that later" she said before I sighed and closed my MacBook

"Oh my gawd" I said before purposely nudging her before she looked at me as I smiled

"You doing all that, you must wanna fight" she said before I sat my MacBook on the couch, "You mad?"

"Let's go" I put my guard up backing up a little before she swung aggressively, "Woah"

She tryna take me out for real

"Unt unt, you wanna fight let's go" she said before I threw a punch and missed

She grabbed me before putting me in the headlock and all I could do was laugh.

"This not fair ma, let me go" I said in between me laughs as she held me tight

"Nope, I don't care"

"AYDIN — NIXON" I yelled knowing they would hear me, "NIXON"

A few seconds later I heard footsteps tumbling down the stairs and into the living room

"MA" Nixon yelled before coming over tryna pull her off of me

"Aydin fight her" I demanded before he came over and punched her leg

They both started punching her before she let go and I got her pinning her to the floor

"Yeah y'all jump her" I said as they threw punches that was nothing but soft, "Yup get her"

We finally let her up and we both was out of breath

"Whew lord I'm tired, and yall really gone jump y'all momma?" she asked looking at Nixon and Aydin before I laughed

"That's my sister" Nixon responded before she gave him a thrilled looked

"I'm your momma"

"My brothers got me fasho" I said while dapping Nixon up before pulling Aydin into a hug

"Flau'jae you're such a bad influence" she said feeling salty, "Y'all not supposed to jump y'all mom"

"You not suppose to put your daughter in the headlock" I said while making my way out the living room

I made my way upstairs and slipped on a my LV slides. I grabbed my Gucci bag that carried all of my important information and money.

"I'm going to get food from Pappadeaux, y'all want something?" I asked my momma over the phone as so pulled out of the drive way

"No we good, but get them kids something"

"Alright" I said before we hung up the phone

I called in a to go order before blasting my music. Once I got there I waited in a parking spot for all to go orders.

I was just listening to music and scrolling on my phone until I got a incoming FaceTime call from mamas 🦋

"I'M ON MY WAY TO YOU MY LOVE" Angel yelled in the camera making me laugh

"I'm ready to see you baby momma, you look good"

She's been back from USA basketball for a week, but she went straight to Baltimore. Now, she's staying in ATL for the next few days and I'm happy.

I missed her.

"Thank you, and I'm your baby momma?" she asked, she just like to hear me say that

"Not yet, but you having my kids I'm just speaking it into existence. I want twins, mamas"

"Twins is crazy, I think not" she said before we laughed,

"Alright, we'll talk about it later" I said being serious, "What time you land?"


I glanced at the time and became unsatisfied with it. Ugh

"I guess ima keep myself occupied until you get here" I said smiling at her pulchritude, she be having me so cheesy.

"Why you in the car?"

"I'm at Pappadeaux, you know I don't play bout my seafood" I said as she shook her head at me

"You gotta stop" she said while sitting the phone up. I examined the background and came to the conclusion that she was packing.


We stayed on the phone up until I got back home because she had to leave for the airport. My driver is picking her up and bringing her to my house.

That saves my energy and gas because the airport traffic is no joke.

I gave my brother's their food and ate before laying down. I dozed off for what felt like two minutes before being woken up

"Flau' why you go to sleep and you knew Angel was on the way?" I heard my momma say but it was muffled


"Angel here" she said before I sat up and looked at the time on my phone, "Come bring her stuff upstairs"

It don't even feel like I was sleep for long

She left out before I got up stretched and left out my room. As I approached the top of the stairs I noticed how loud it was.

I made my way down and into the living room just to see Angel on the couch as Aydin sat in her lap. I don't know what his obsession is with her, but he loves her.

I made my way over to them before picking Aydin up from her lap and putting him on his feet to stand. He fell out crying before I sighed getting a little annoyed.

"Aydin you finna go to bed" Ameen said with a stern voice before Aydin got up

"No way he just hit the floor like that" Tray said laughing before as my momma shook her head

"He think Angel suppose to give him all of her attention, that's what that is" my momma said before laughing

"It's okay he finna go to bed right now"Ameen said while getting up, "He keep crying cause he sleepy"

"I'm finna go count sheep's with him too" I said before Angel looked at me


"Yes, we are cause you're tired too" I said looking at her and she squinted her eyes at me

She wanna say something out the way but my momma and Ameen in here.

"Say it" I dared her before she smiled and I leaned down planting a kiss on her lips

"How you gone tell her if she tired?" Tray asked with a raised eyebrow

"Y'all don't know her how I know her, I know her like this" I showed them the back of my hand, "She sleepy"

"Whatever" she said before I stuck my tongue out and grabbed her suitcase leaving out

She's definitely going to sleep as soon as she hit that bed. We both know, ain't no debating..

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