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Angel Reese

"Thank you" I said to a man who held the door open for me and he gave me a nod

I made my way into the gas station and begin to pick up snacks. On my way home, I realized that I have no groceries, which means no snacks either

Grocery shopping is something you'll have to catch me do on a good day. I hate it, it's takes up too much of my time.

I grocery shop every two months because every time I go, I splurge. My total always comes to some high ass price that I regret every time.

I have a paper to start writing and it's mandatory that I have snacks. If I don't, I'm gonna go to sleep or get distracted.

After picking up just about the entire gas station, I went home. I immediately got comfortable and pulled out everything that I needed.

In the middle of me typing, I heard a knock at my door. I got up before going to open it to see Ja'Mire, who walked right in.

"Why you didn't let me know you was coming?" I asked while making my way back to my room as he followed

"I gotta let you know I'm coming?"

"You normally do, so what's new?" I asked being dead serious and he gave me a look, "I don't like people popping up on me unnoticed"

"I wouldn't have to give you a heads up if you just give me a fucking key. Give me a key"

"Woah" I said with a slight chuckle, "You got too much dip on your chip"

It's obvious that I'm not attracted him or males, like at all. Everyday Ja'Mire adds on to that list as to why I'm not.

I just think that his looks is a ten across the board.

Honestly, he's here for the sake of my company. We benefit each other in no type of way. Period

In this short amount of time, I realized that he is controlling. He wants things to go his way or he'll have a fit.

He's not the same person I met in that restaurant, he's definitely the opposite. I'll say that he's a crazy ain't shit ass hood nigga.

I'll put on a act for a check too.

The first week after we met he wanted the passwords to everything. He got mad and cursed me out, I don't care.

My biggest mistake was letting him into my home because he lost his mind once he found out that I was "famous"

He started asking me for money, and all he got was the answer no every time.

"So I can't get a key?"


"Bruh, you be pissing me the fuck off mane. I swear to god, on my momma I'll —" he stopped and I waited for him to finish

"Finish saying what you gone say" I said before laughing and bringing my computer closer

"I ain't even gone get into all that, you think shit funny though. I'm dead ass serious"

"No, I'm just not scared of you" I said being honest as he stared at me, "Get out, Ja'Mire"

"I just got here, get out for what?"

"Cause my name on this lease and I don't want you here" I simply answered before he sucked his teeth

"Put it on something you don't want me here"

"On your momma, on you" I said before he looked at me like I was crazy, "I'm finna put it on your dead people's if you don't leave"

"Mane stop playing with me, the fuck wrong with you?" he said making his way out my room and I laughed to myself

I heard the door slam before I sighed loud

"I hate niggas" I mumbled to myself

The funny thing about this whole situation is that although I think he's attractive, my intentions wasn't to take it further.

I told him before we took it further that I'm going through a break up. He knows that I'm lesbian, so he kind of set him self up.

Aside from that I made it clear that I just wanted to be friends, but some how I fell into his trap. I hate to say it, but I don't know how to get rid of him.

I even told him that I miss Flau'jae, which is a thousand percent true. By me telling him that I thought he would leave me alone.

If she found out that this boy be talking to me crazy, she would have somebody put him in a grave. Flau'jae is crazy and her connections go stupid.

Without even trying to continue my paper, I closed my computer. He just made me get side tracked and now I don't want to finish.

I laid down and went to sleep because I'm tired as hell. I've been up since seven this morning and I'm exhausted.

I woke up to it being pitch black and the sound of thunder. The sound of rain is so soothing, and I get some good sleep too.

No wonder why I slept for so long.

I made my way to the kitchen and found something simple to cook. I threw some precooked fried rice in a skillet and allowed it to cook.

I had some left over chicken from yesterday and warmed it up. Done.

Instead of going back to my room I decided to eat in the living room. I never sit in my living room, it's just something about my room that has my heart

"I was sleep when you called" I told my brother over the phone as I got comfortable on the couch

"Did momma tell you, you had to come with me to Cali?" He asked with the look of concern on his face

"Yes" I answered with a small chuckle already knowing he was gonna get mad

"Tell her you not coming, I'm grown"

"I told her that I had something to do that day and she still said to go with you"

"I'm grown" he groaned loudly, "She still think I'm a a kid, I can go by myself"

"You need your big sister" I said knowing it'll piss him off a little bit more

"Angel no I don't" he practically growled at me causing me to burst into laughter

"First of all, we haven't seen each other in a good minute. So you don't miss me?"

"I never said that but I don't need you chaperoning me. I'm gonna be with my team, it's not like I'm going by myself"

"No but for real, I'll try to convince her otherwise because I really have something to do that day" I said being serious before he just nodded

"Alright, let me know what she say"

"Okay, I love you"

We hung up and I laughed to myself for a moment. My mom still thinks that my little brother is a child, she can't accept that he's grown up

She did the same thing with me for a long time, but now I move how I want. Of course I have security with me, but they move when I say move.

It's either my way or no way.

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