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Angel Reese

"I asked you to get off that twice and you're being disrespectful" I told a drunk Flau'jae as she fanned her money in the camera

"Angel tripping y'all" she told the live before snickering and I sighed loud, "You want me off?"

"Yes, I asked twice and you ignored me both times. We were literally in the middle of a conversation and you just go live"

"Just talk and stop —" she reached over and put her hand under my shirt before making her way up and into my bra

I moved her hand before reaching over and grabbing her phone. I ended the live and put her phone under my leg.

"I don't even remember what we was even talking about. I'm ready to go home" I said before Flau'jae started smiling at me

It's going on eleven o'clock and I'm exhausted. Flau'jae and I went out tonight because we feel like we barely spend quality time out.

Now we're getting food before we go in, so we've been in the drive thru line waiting forever.

"You ready to have my baby too?"

"No" I simply responded

"I'm serious I want you to have all my kids. I want one now, I'm ready" she said before I started laughing a little

"Whew chile the liquor is talking"

"So you don't wanna have my kids?" she asked with a  look of concern

"Not right now, we're not ready for that" I said before she pulled me into a kiss

"Yes we is"

"Okay let's talk about it when you completely sober in the morning and we gone see where your head at"


I drove to the window after the car in front of me moved. Finally.

"Your drinks are coming out" the girl said as she handed me the food and I nodded

"Aye aye, let me talk to you real quick" Flau'jae said while leaning over on my side to talk to her

"Flau'jae" I simply said her name letting her know that's her warning and the girl closed the window

"Angel" she mocked me before I took a deep breath

I didn't say anything instead I just looked at her before hearing the window open again

"Here you go, y'all have a goodnight" she said while handing the cups to me before Flau'jae leaned over again

"Aye, let me ask you something" Flau'jae said before I pushed her over and she looked at me crazy

What the hell is she trying to ask this hoe?

I put the cups in the cup holder before pulling off

"You be doing shit and then when I react, I'm crazy" I said while digging in the bag grabbing a fry

"You are crazy"

"So you don't make me crazy?" I asked waiting for a answer but instead she hummed, "Hello?"

"I love you" she said while rubbing on my thigh, "I'm folding you up when we get in the house"

"No answer me, you don't make me crazy?" I looked over at her then back at the road

"You was crazy before I got with you"

"But you add fuel to the fire, we just talked about you being friendly the other day and yo —" she cut me off in the middle of my sentence

"What the fuck is you talking about, Angel?"

"Flau'jae stop cursing at me, for real" I pointed at while looking at her as we approached a red light

"Aight, but what you talking bout?"

"So you just wasn't all at that window tryna talk to that girl?"

"I needed to ask her something" she sighed before letting out a laugh, "You tryna have a serious conversation and my brain fried from liquor"

"Bet" I simply said leaving the conversation alone

We made it to my apartment and got settled before going to sleep. The next morning I woke up and started cleaning up

My mom and brother is visiting, so I just want to have it neat when they come over. This will be the last time I see them in a while because once school start I'm busy.

I've been busy now, but my bookings have slowed down due to my cancellations. So now I have plenty of free time on my hands.

After I was finished I laid down on the couch before Flau'jae made her way in. She laid down on top of me and buried her face in my neck.

"My head hurts so bad, I feel like shit" she mumbled letting me know she had a hangover, "I threw up"

"I need you to eat" I told her before she shook her head, 'no', "Yes"

"My body gone reject it" she said before sitting up before I did the same

"Your not gonna feel better if you don't eat, you need to drink water too"

I got up and went to the kitchen before getting a water bottle and coming back. I gave it to her and watched her take a little sip

"I don't remember shit from last night" she said  reminding me of last night

"We went out, you got drunk, and you was being typical friendly Flau'jae to bitches"

"I'm not friendly, I'm sociable "

"You're friendly" I repeated

"Aight I'm friendly, but I don't be having no other intentions" she finally admitted, which caught me by surprise

She would never admit to me that she's friendly, but she knows she is.

"But you know bitches intentions with you. You not a regular ass female, these bitches want you and you know that"

"I can't do shit bout that, but I'm sorry I'll try not to be hospitable" she said before planting a kiss on my lips

"Thank you"

I convinced her to eat something before she left and went home. A few hours later, I picked my mom and brother up from the airport.

They're staying at a hotel a few minutes away from me. My apartment is a one bedroom, so it's no space for them to sleep.

Although, I offered them to stay they chose a hotel. It is what it is, I guess.

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