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Angel Reese

"Now turn around" I said to Flau'jae before she looked at me side ways

"Bae I'm tryna play the game and you bothering me. I don't know what you tryna do, you turn around"

"Turn around I'm tryna see something" I said before busting out laughing and she just watched

"You saying turn around like you tryna do something to me. Why you can't turn around?"

"Cause I — just do it" I said before she shook her head 'no' and turned her attention towards the tv

She slumped down in the game chair as I just squinted me eyes at her. Ugh, she just effortlessly looks good and it's pisses me off.

Every time I think about how she has to go outside, I get pissed off. I wish she could stay in forever cause these hoes want her.

This girl has shown be absolutely no attention today, it's about to be six o'clock. All she wants to do is sit around and play the game.

It's fine because I'm getting ready to go out anyway. If she wants to replace me with her game then that's fine.

"I'm over here, come over here" she said through the headset talking to lord knows who, "Hurry up cause they behind you"

I stood in front of her before bending over and she begin to rub my ass. Once I felt her hand begin to rub on my pussy I moved.

"Yeah just move cause you gone start something and ima turn this game off" she said while aggressively hitting the buttons on the controller

I was about to bother her again but I got a message from Endyia saying she was outside.

"Endyia's outside" I told Flau'jae as I grabbed my purse, "I don't know what time I'll be back"

"Don't let your best friend get you in trouble"

"No promises" I said jokingly before she hummed diabolically, "I love you"

"I love you too, be safe"

I left making my way out the door and to the parking lot seeing Endyia's car. As soon as I opened the door we both got hype.

"BESTIE WE LIT AS FUCK TONIGHT" She said before we both squealed as I got in


"I had to stop by the liquor store and get two more bottles" she said while pulling off and I looked at her and shook my head

"Oh, we on that type of timing"

"We on that type of timing so loosen up cause everybody at the house waiting. It's game night Endyia edition, we getting in trouble tonight"

"Oou best I like that, Endiya edition" I repeated with a soft smile

We made it to the house and it was a handful of us here. Some of them I knew and a few of them I didnt

"Wait who made this game?" I asked while laughing at the handmade paper like game board

"I did" Karo said while holding his hand up smiling, "That shit pressure, I'm in everybody business tonight"

"Your game board is messy" I said while reading what was on it

Oh lord.

After a while of setting up we finally started the game. This is the most unfiltered game I've ever played

"If you don't answer you gotta take a shot" Markeivia said while waiting on me to make a decision

I'm already five shots in and I can feel them

"Wait what's the question?"

"Have you ever got your ass ate?" Java repeated the question making me chuckle

"Yes" I answered before they all gasped causing me to laugh

"Wait wait, you eat ass?" Dime asked before I gave him a look

"I'm not answering that"

"I'm taking that as a yes, I don't care" he said before I shrugged not caring

"Best let me find out you get down like that" Endyia said before we both started laughing

Now she know damn well ...

"Alright I'm next" one of Endyia's friends said as she picked up the dice and rolled it , "Three"

She moved her token up three spaces before reading the question and looking away with shame

"Answer it" Karo said with a smirk, "Y'all her shit say where is the craziest place you had sex?"

"Don't judge me, but at work in the manager office" everybody started laughing, I guess because a different answer was expected

"You was really fucking on the clock"

We finished the game and by the end of it I had a total of nine shots. We moved on to the next game and I'm doing terrible.

It's finish the lyrics, and I never know the lyrics to anything. It's kind of embarrassing but it is what it is

"How you don't know Lil Baby?" one of the boys asked Markeivia, who had just took a shot

"Y'all should've gave me the chorus" she said as I shook my head

"It's okay Kei" I said while laughing and getting up for my turn. After waiting for them to find a song they had finally found one

"Pop your top with .30s, up in surgery, can't sew back together" Dime rapped before stopping and waiting on me to finish

A few seconds went by before they went ahead and passed me my shot.

"I feel like I'm being set up" I said sluggishly before chugging down the shot

"You just don't know the lyrics to nothing" somebody said but I didn't know who, "But this the last round y'all"

After that I blacked out and woke up to somebody tapping me aggressively.

"What?" I said before immediately feeling a sharp pain on the right side of my head, "Ouch, shit"

"Get up so I can take you home, I done woke you up three times" Endiya said as I looked around to see I was in her room

The sun was shining bright through the window. How is it the next morning?

I don't remember shit from last night

I can hear talking from the living room that let me know everybody was still here.

"I feel like shit, literally and my head hurts so bad" I sat up before looking at her

"I offered you breakfast and you didn't want it. Flau'jae said if you don't let me take you home, she coming herself"

"Oh lord, I'll be ready to go just give me a minute"

I sat on the bed praying to God and promising that I'll never drink again. My body just feel so weak and it feels like a horse is kicking me in the head.

I hate hangovers

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