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Angel Reese

"Ooou, it went in and I'm on a sprained knee" I yelled while limping over to get the ball

"I'm taking it easy on you" Aneesah said causing me to suck my teeth in doubt

"You're definitely trying" I said while laughing before seeing Flau'jae coming back into the gym

I didn't even know she left out.

She aggressively pointed at a chair while holding a stern look on her face.

"Yep glue that ass to a chair for the hundredth time" Kateri said before I stuck my middle finger up at her

I made my way to the chair while seeing Flau'jae following me out of my peripheral. Once I sat down, I propped my leg up to get comfortable.

At the beginning of practice, I sprained my knee. The athletic trainer told me that I'll be sitting out for a minute.

I'm cutting it short because I don't have time for that

"What part of sit the fuck down don't you understand?" Flau'jae asked before I sighed and looked away

"Flau'jae I don't wanna sit down"

"I don't care, you just sprained your knee and don't look away when I'm talking to you" she turned my face in her direction, "Don't move"

"I can't just favor my knee?"

"No sit your ass down until it's time to go. Everybody in here done told you to sit down more than once, I'm not doing that. Don't fucking move"


She eyed me one last time before walking away. I could feel tears coming before wiping my eyes and took a deep breath.

A tear slid down my cheek before I wiped my face again. Some times I hate that I'm such a cry baby when it comes to her.

It's sickening.

The slightest change in her tone makes me cry and it's something about her cursing at me. I'm gonna cry every time, it doesn't matter.

I sat there just watching the entire practice before it was time to go. Flau'jae helped me to the car before we left making it home.

"Keep the ice on there to reduce the swelling. We can go to the doctor if it's worse tomorrow" Flau'jae said before I just nodded

"I think she need to be on crutches" my mom said through the FaceTime call before Flau'jae grabbed the phone

"I told her that already but she don't listen, ma. She wanna limp around like a baby deer"

"I'm not handicap" I said before I just shook my head, "I don't need them"

"You need crutches, but alright" my mom said leaving it alone, "Well, alright I'll talk to y'all tomorrow"

We said our goodbyes before hanging up the phone. I started finishing up some work that's due at 11:59, I'm so over the whole school idea.

I'm considering hiring somebody and paying them to do my work. It's likely I won't because I don't trust anybody with my GPA.

"I'm just going to take a shower" Flau'jae said while throwing a towel over her shoulder

"We can get in together, you can't wait for me?"

"You doing your work, I'm tryna get to the studio" she said before I closed my computer

"I can wait to do my work because I'm going with Endyia anyway. I'm leaving in the next hour"

"Your knee sprained" she simply said

"Bae I know that, but I'm still going. We're not going to be moving around" I lied because she'll try and talk me out of going

We're going to the mall, but she doesn't have to know. What she don't know won't hurt her

"Don't complain to me about nothing cause you know you're not supposed to be on it"

We went and took a quick shower before she quickly put on clothes. I put on a robe because I'm in no rush, she is.

I don't know what she's in a rush to get to the studio for, but I'm not gonna ask. She left before I started putting on my clothes, I put on a little makeup too and was finished.

After a while I left meeting Endyia at the mall, just to see that she came with a friend. Spending money is definitely like therapy for me, always.

I love getting money and spending it.

"I thought you were playing when you said you was getting that" Endyia said as I held a white laced see through dress

"No, I'm actually getting it and my body look good in it. Y'all saw the way my ass was sitting up" I said before Endyia shook her head

"Your ass was sitting up though" Endyia's friend, Ny said before I nodded

"You must be going to pound town with that cause I know Flau'jae not letting you leave the house in that"

"It's not lingerie, it's a dress so I'm going out in it" I said before she shrugged her shoulders

"Right" Endyia said not believing me

"I did see a red lingerie fit over there, y'all think I should get it?" Ny asked before I nodded my head

"Yeah girl, your man gone love it and your complexion will look good in red" I told her just simply giving my opinion

"Girl I be tricking" she said before my eyes widened

Well that went left quick as hell

"Announcing that to the whole store is crazy" Endyia said before I chuckled

"Just get it your tricks will like it" I said ending the conversation and walking away

We went to other stores and at this point my knee is screaming. My limping is getting worse and I'm ready to go home.

I have a lot of bags too, so that's weighing me down as well.

"Angel your knee is swelling bad" Endyia said shockingly while looking at it

"I know and it hurt so fucking bad, I'm putting too much pressure on it"

"You didn't ice it?" Ny asked while holding a concerned look on her face

"A little"

"Basketball really do that to you?" Ny asked herself raising a eyebrow, "That look painful"

"We can go" Endyia said before I shook my head 'no'

"I'm not done shopping"

"Your knee looks like it's gonna collapse on you, you worried about the wrong thing " Ny said causing me to laugh a little

"You right, you right just let me go to the bathroom real quick" I said while getting up from the bench

I limped my way into the bathroom and used the bathroom. As I dried my hands Kizzy came walking in and she smiled once she saw me

"Long time no see" she said before I laughed nervously, I'm nervous as hell


"I ain't know you was gone be here, you gone talk to me after I use the bathroom?"

"Kizzy no" I simply said before trying to walk away and she grabbed me

"It's literally just us" she said before I gave her a confused look. Huh?

"It don't mat — yeah I'll talk to you" I said before she sighed relieved from I don't know what

"Aight, I'll be quick" she said before I nodded my head at her

She went in a stall before I quickly left out. I cannot get caught up with her ass, like at all. I don't even wanna talk to her, it's nothing to talk about.

Apart of me felt like Flau'jae was somewhere watching even though she's at the studio. Even if I didn't feel that way, I wasn't gonna talk to her anyway.

I wonder what she wanted to talk about.

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