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Flau'jae Johnson

"It's too many people in here, damn" I said getting irritated with everybody

"They tryna play the song back and fix it" my momma said before I sighed

"Ma I know, I'm not talking bout them" I said while rubbing my hands down my face, "everybody that's not normally in here I want out"

"Y'all Flau'jae said she want everybody that's not normally in here out" my momma repeated before they all looked at me

If I can avoid confrontation, I will.

I'm just not that type of person, so whenever my momma around she do it for me. I know how to speak up for myself, I just hate being in that predicament.

"It's like nine of y'all in here, that's wild" I said as they got up and migrated out, I'm overstimulated"

My momma come in the studio with me sometimes, but she peek her head in and out.

After the majority of them left it was just my two regular people. I sat there for a minute in the silence allowing the stimulation to wear off.

I couldn't even fucking think straight with all that ruckus.

"You ready?" Flacko said as I got up heading over to the computer

"Yeah, let me hear the beat" he turned on the beat before I listened and caught a flow, "Pause it"

"You finishing this tonight?"

"No, I want this done at least by the end of the week. Check this though, I wanna go punchline after punchline"

"Do that, you go crazy with the punchlines" he complimented my craft before I nodded

"I'm tryna say something that's gone make people turn they head"

After another three hours passed I got my stuff and left going back to the hotel. I jumped straight in the shower and didn't think twice about eating after getting out.

I'm too tired to chew.

The last thing I did was put my phone on the charger before going to bed. I have an interview with The Breakfast Club in the morning with Angel.

"Do you feel like you the best athlete out of LSU?" Charlamagne asked Angel as I just smiled listening

"I feel like I haven't done nothing yet, so I told him don't even say that" she answered referring to "him" as Shaq

"What you mean, you won a championship. That's what his thing was, his thing was you bought a ship"

"I won a championship, but I just don't feel like I've done enough" she said as I stared her down causing her to stutter, "Like — I won a championship, I don't even realize how much — like how important that is"

"How much weight it hold" I said stepping in because my rizz had her struggling 

It's crazy how I can throw her off without even touching her. 

"How much weight it hold, I don't really understand that. So, if I go to year two and I dominate — we dominate, yeah okay"

"What do you think you need to do more?" he asked out of curiosity

"Probably — that's probably gone hold some weight a player of the year. Another championship is what's gone hold weight cause I feel like I'm getting the treatment"

"Flau'jae you think you can handle the next few years of recording a album, basketball, and school?"

"Yeah, I got a team now, like before it was just me and my mom. She was doing an amazing job, but like, like I got a team now and they really see the vision. All I need is a studio and some content" 

I gave him the ins and outs of how I maintain the three before he nodded 

"If you see one starting to slack whether it's school or basketball, would you put the rapping to the side?" he asked before I immediately nodded

"Oh yeah, fasho I'm tightening up fasho. But like, rapping don't feel like a business to me, it's more like a therapy for me. That's how I let out my emotions, basketball I can shoot it out" 

"What are y'all doing mentally and emotionally just to keep it together?" 

"Writing stuff down, and I pray a lot I got closer to God this year. I do a lot of devotion everyday, just write down a lot of thoughts and talking to my mom" Angel answered as I nodded my head agreeing 

We answered a few other questions before wrapping the interview up and leaving the room. 

"Ima just be like 'no shade wit it, no shade wit, it'" I said to Angel because I was clueless of the other lyrics 

"Yeah since you don't know the first part" 

We did a few takes of the video before she posted it to her page 

"Alright, I need some pics come on" I said before we posed and the man started taking pictures 

After a while of talking to people, we had to leave so that other people can come in. It's still early, so I can already tell it's gone feel like a long day. 

Other than the fact that I have a virtual meeting later, I don't have nothing to do. I'm chilling all day just because I can. 

"I'm ready to get back to that room and knock out" I said while rubbing my hands together 

"You say that every time and never go to sleep" my momma said before her and Ameen started laughing 

"Same message, different day" Ameen said before I slightly mushed his head 

He turned around before trying to mush me back before I ran off and he started chasing me. He caught up to me and grabbed before picking up. 

"Apologize" he said as I laughed uncontrollably 


"Apologize or I'm finna drop you" he threatened before I tried to get out his grip 

"AMEEN PUT HER DOWN AND YALL STOP PLAYING, LET'S GO" my momma yelled before he put me down and I continued to laugh 

"I'm gone get you back when you ain't looking, you better watch out" 

"We gone see" I responded as we made our way back to the truck 

We waited for Angel and her mom to come out because we're leaving together. We're at the same hotel, so it only makes sense to ride together. 

Making it back to our room, I immediately changed my clothes into something more comfortable. 

"Ma why you come in the bathroom when I'm in here?" I asked watching as she stepped in front of me looking in the mirror 

"Cause it's only one bathroom, you been in here for too long anyway" 

"It's a mirror out there" she shrugged her shoulders not caring 

"You ain't going to Angel room?" she asked before I shook my head 'no', "Why, y'all mad at each other bout something?" 

"No ma, why you asking questions?" I started to chuckle because she just funny, "We going out later tonight" 

 "I'm just asking, and you know I don't care about you liking girls. I accept it and honestly, I like y'all together" 

"I don't like girls, just her" I corrected her, "And thank you ma" 

Ever since she found out we was together, she just been more enchanted by Angel. She already love her like a daughter, so by us being together it just put the icing on the cake. 

It's crazy, but I'm glad it's making them closer. 

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