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Angel Reese

I sat in my car taking videos of myself and posting them. I'm in a good mood because I just got my hair done.

Definitely ready to snatch everybody's girlfriend

After posting my last video I pulled out from the parking lot. I headed to the post office to pick up some packages.

I get packages sent home, but because people send so much it's a overload. It's just too much and I'm starting to think I need storage space too

As expected, it was a lot of packages so I went back and forth just to get them in the car. I left and went home making sure to leave the packages in the car.

I threw everything down and before going to the couch to lay down. I'm so tired and I only went to get my hair done.

I dozed off before hearing a knock at the door which caused me to get up and open it.

"Well hey to you too" I said as Flau'jae handed me a piece of paper and brushed pass me

"Wassup" she said before I raised an eyebrow while closing the door

"So that's how you speak to me now?" I asked while following her into the living room, "Wassup?"

"Hey mamas" she said corrected herself while pulling me into a hug, "Your hair look good"

"Mhmm, thank you" I said while waving her off and slightly pushing her off of me

I unfolded the paper that she handed me and started to read it. Great

"Somebody filed a noise complaint" I said while turning and looking at her before handing it to her

She started reading it before sitting it on the table

"It was filed two days ago and that's the same night we was arguing "

"For no fucking reason" I said while getting a flashback from that night

"So you really don't see where you went wrong?"

"Flau'jae no, you just over reacted as usual and it turned into a whole commotion" I said before she chuckled while heading back to the door

We've been arguing for two days straight and honestly, it's sickening. At first it was over little stuff, but it shifted to something bigger.

I went out with my friend and she was very flirty. Her being a stud doesn't make it no better at all. According to Flau'jae, I reciprocated the energy and now she's losing her shit.

"I'm finna leave" she said before I hurried up and stood in front of the door, "Angel we not finna do this, move"

"What you leaving for?"

"I don't wanna talk to you" she said while looking me directly in my eyes, "Cause I know where this finna go and I'm tired of arguing with you"

"Your being nonverbal as fuck "

"I'm nonverbal cause I don't wanna argue?" she asked a rhetorical question before laughing, "Aight"

"No because I'm tryna talk to you"

"It's nothing to talk about, you don't see the problem. We need a break, so don't look my way unless it's essential"

I moved out the way and just let her go

It's something about having a girlfriend that makes me wanna scratch my eyeballs out.

She just pissed me off.

After she left I just sat there thinking, I'm so bothered by this whole situation. She's probably right, we do need time.

I called my best friend to vent just to get no answer. Instead of calling back, I called Kizzy.

"Yoo" she answered as soon the call connected

"I'm so irritated right now, I don't even know what to do" I said before she gave a concerning look

"What happened, what's wrong?"

"My girlfriend don't wanna talk to me, like she's dead ass mad at me. Now she wanna take a break and shit"

"Damn, I know y'all been going at it for a few days. You ain't never say why though, you tryna come chill at my spot?"


"You need me to come get you?" She asked before I just shook my head 'no'

"Just send me your location" I said before we hung up the phone

I put my shoes on and grabbed everything before leaving. She's lives less than ten minutes away from me.

You learn something new everyday.

Once I made it, I knocked on her door before she answered and I came in.

"Make yourself at home" she said while handing me a bottle of water

"Thank you" I said while looking around amused, "I like this whole set up, like it's cute"

"Aye, you see it" she said with a smile plastered across her face, "Preciate you, love"

"Find a movie or something, and don't ask what I wanna watch. I don't know"

She started laughing before she picked up the remote and turned the tv on.

"You lowkey comedy without trying"

"Split personalities" I said before she shook her head at me 

"Oh yeah, you crazy" she said before I laughed to myself and shrugged

She found a comedy movie and we laughed and talked the entire time. This is the first comedy movie I actually found entertaining.

Once the movie went off we continued to talk. This is my second time linking with her outside of school.

She's really down to Earth.

"You have no home training" I said while laughing at Kizzy dancing

"Nobody seeing me in this dancing shit" she said before coming to sit back down

"I'm not for sure" I said before sighing and it got quiet for a second

"You straight?" she asked causing me to nod

"My mind is just everywhere, it feels like something is weighing my head down"

"You can vent to me" she said while getting comfortable, "I'm all ears"

"I just hate getting into with her, like it doesn't sit right with me"

"What she mad bout?"

"We both know you were on that type of timing with me, but she said I was reciprocating the energy" I said before her mouth dropped and she laughed

"It wasn't intentional, but I been expressed my feelings for you. I can't help what I feel" she said before it dawned on me

If I keep talking to this girl, I'm gonna jeopardize my relationship. She's cool, but I see where this is heading

"I'm not even suppose to be over here, like she wants you cut off. I felt like I wasn't in the wrong, so I refused"

I'm certain I don't want nothing more from this girl than a friendship.

"So you gone cut me off?" she asked as I just looked at her while she waited

Before I could answer she pulled me into a kiss and I tried to pull back but she held me. She let go and I got up shocked.

My whole body is shaking right now.

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