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Angel Reese

After what happened at Kizzy's house, I cut her off.
Yesterday she kept blowing my phone up, and I ended up at her house.

She was trying to talk me out of cutting her off, but it didn't work. We got into a huge argument and it escalated further.

She put her hands on me and we started fighting.

I honestly blame myself because if I wouldn't of been so amiable none of it would have happened

"Even if it's like a weekend road trip , we need to go somewhere" Endiya said through the phone before I nodded

"I don't wanna do a weekend road trip, we need to go somewhere we both never been"

"Well you already been every where from working, so it gotta be out the country"

"Oh I been told you I wanna go to Greece, so we need to make that happen" she said before I shook my head while putting my edge brush in the drawer

"Bora Bora" I said before she gasped

"Yeah, I do wanna go there too" she said before I heard a knock at my door, "Hold on bestie, I'll call you back later"

We hung up before I made my way to the door and opened it.

"Hey mamas" Flau'jae greeted me with a hug and kiss before coming in, "You ready?"

"Yeah I'm ready just give me a minute" I said while closing the door and heading back to my room

Flau'jae called me and told me to be ready to go. I don't know what we're doing nor did I ask.

We're not back on good terms, so I'm assuming she wants to talk like a civilized adult.

She was just following me around and staring into my soul. I started putting on my shoes before she stopped me.

She grabbed my face and turned it to the side before my heart dropped to my ass.

"Why you got a long ass cut by your eye?"

"I don't know" I said nervously before she looked closer at the cut

"Again, why you got a cut by your eye?" she asked now throwing her keys on the bed, "Cause that ain't no regular looking cut"

I didn't think the cut was noticeable, but then again it's Flau'jae. She analyzes me so hard, so she notice everything.

"I really don't know"

She sighed and laughed demonically. I'm scared to tell her that Kizzy did it, she's gonna act a fool.

"Angel it's no way you don't know how that fucking cut by your eye" she just stood there staring at me waiting for an answer

"I went to Kizzy house and we got into it"

"She touched you?" She asked to confirm before I nodded, "And why the fuck you was at her house? — Angel I swear to God"

"It wasn't like that"

"What was you doing over there?"

"She wanted to talk " I said before she gave me a look and my stomach turned

I debated on if I should tell her about the kiss. I'm so nervous, I want to throw up.

"Everything I had planned today, canceled"

"Okay, and I have something else to tell you" I said before taking a deep breath, "She forced a kiss on me, I tri —"

"Put your shoes on cause you finna show me where she stay"

I started putting on my shoes as she raged in anger. We left getting in the car and I was dreading what was to come.

"And I'm still stuck wondering why the hell you ain't call me?" Flau'jae yelled as I looked at the speed we was going

We're going over 80 MPH

"Can you slow down?" I asked before she looked at me then back at the road, "Slow down"

"I'm finna go beat this bitch ass, you see that fucking cut by your eye?" she continued to yell and I just didn't respond, "Do you even fucking care?"

"Flau'jae yes"

"And why you even letting motherfuckers touch you?" she yelled while looking at me before I pointed at the road

"I was fighting her back, we was going back and fourth" I explained before she shrugged her shoulders

"Angel fuck all that, you should've got on the phone and called your girlfriend. Period"

She yelled and sped the entire time before we finally made it. I don't even want her fighting, but trying to convince her won't work.

As I showed her to Kizzy's door my heart started to beat faster. After the knocking on the door, we waiting and as soon as she opened it Flau'jae swung.

They migrated out the door and I just watched shocked. Both of their hits were connecting, but Flau'jae definitely got her.

Flau'jae fights like a nigga and her hits are more forceful.

I jumped in to break them up and ended up accidentally getting hit by Kizzy. I'm a thousand percent sure half of my sight is gone.

Somehow they stumbled over each other and Kizzy ended up falling.

"Since you wanna fight somebody, fight me" Flau'jae said while waiting for her to get up

"Let's go again then, let's go" Kizzy said getting up and putting her guard up, "And you brought her here for real?"

I started pulling Flau'jae back because I'm over it and ready to go.

"Don't fucking talk to her, you better not let me catch you walking around nowhere" Flau'jae yelled while trying to come closer

They were just yelling back and forth before I eventually got her back to the car.

"Let me see your damn eye" Flau'jae said while aggressively turning my face, "You got hit hard as hell"

She touched it before I winced in pained and she stopped

"It hurt"

"I'm so fucking infuriated, I wanna fight again" she said as I just looked at her, "Your eye gone swell up"

We left and went back to my place and settled down. Even though she's calm, she keeps talking about it and her temper is short.

"All that friend shit is over with, it's no having friends in this relationship. Everybody fucking cut, I'm not playing with you"

"Bae okay" I said while adjusting the ice pack on my eye

"I don't even know why you tried me like that, you disrespected me. You knew you and that girl was flirting"

"I didn't feel like that though, so I didn't wanna react" I said before she scrunched her face up

"We both seen the video of y'all, you was trifling as hell. If it was me, you would've flipped everything over"

"Alright, I apologize for disregarding you and our relationship" she shook her head at me in disbelief

"Angel that shit don't sound sincere"

"I'm being sincere, I really mean it. If I didn't I would've never been tryna work it out" I said confused as to why she don't believe me

"I'm friendly, but you took that shit to another level. Your name is Angel Reese, these bitches ain't genuine. They want you and what you got"

"Bae okayyyy"

"I'm tired of the toxic shit, I really am"

The conversation turned into an argument before she walked away mad. Instead of following her in the room, I let her be.

I just wish I could blink and all of this be over.

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