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Flau'jae Johnson

"Let's fucking gooo" I yelled excited while aggressively slamming my MacBook shut, "I'm that one, I'm her"

I got a 97 on my test.

So far today has been a good day, literally. All of my classes was smooth and practice was great.

I'm just tired and burned out.

I got up from my couch eventually finding my way to the kitchen. Instead of buying food, I'm just gonna eat leftovers

I've been spending money on Chipotle everyday this week. I'll never get tired of Chipotle, it's a necessity at this point.

After warming up my food I sat down and started listening to beats. I'm really a fucking music genius.

This shit come natural.

By the time I finished listening to some beats, I was done eating. Angel is getting her hair done, so I have to go pick her up.

I don't know what she was doing when she went with her bestie, but her knee is bad. So as usual, I have to be her chauffeur.

All she wants do is be a passenger princess.

I've been doing everything for her, which is nothing new. It's okay, I'm willing to do anything for mines.

"It's cute mamas, you look good" I complimented Angel as she took videos of herself

"Thank you" she said before looking at me, "Bae don't be mad, but I need you to take me to my wax appointment"

"When was you gonna tell me you had a wax appointment?"

"At the last minute cause it's a hour away" I gave her a death glare before she laughed nervously

"Angel I'm tired as hell, and you want me to drive a hour away?" I asked slightly confused because that's wild

She must be playing.

"I need a wax"

"For somebody who crippled, you sure wanna run around the world" I said before she started laughing and it lowkey irritated me more

"I'm not crippled, you know that was mean"

"But my whole thing is, you don't need a wax" I said while pulling out of the parking lot, "Why the hell would you wait to tell me?"

"Cause I knew you wasn't gonna wanna drive that far" I just started to hum because there was no response for that

"Put the address in the gps, and what happened to your normal wax lady?"

"Nothing, I wanted to try somebody new" she said causing me to shake my head

"And when she fuck that twat up don't say shit" I told her before she started laughing again, "Just put the address in"

The entire ride there Angel took videos of herself. I'm not even mad no more cause she look good as fuck.

When God bless me, he bless me with big blessings.

We made it the and I helped her out the car before we went in. She got settled in before I went back and sat in the car. I ended up falling asleep before being woken up by my phone ringing.

I don't know why, but that was the best cat nap I ever had. It's crazy because time really went by so damn fast.

Once I saw it was Angel, I answered before she let me know that she was done. I paid before we left and made it back to my apartment.

I got straight in the bed and went to sleep leaving Angel up. She wanna be up talking on the phone, I'm tired and have to be up early.

After getting deep into my sleep I heard a loud bang before jumping up out the bed. I made my way out of the room looking around before seeing the kitchen light on

I made my way into the kitchen just to see Angel on the floor passed out. What the fuck is happening?

Lord if you testing my patients please stop because I don't have any. My level of patients is at a zero

I quickly started tapping her continuously before checking her pulse. Okay

I started shaking her and after a few seconds  seconds she started moving. She started whimpering as I analyzed her before realizing she was hurt

I am too tired for this.

"Bae what is you in here doing?" I asked as she winced in pain, "What hurt?"

"My hip"

"Oh my fucking god" I groaned infuriated while reaching to pull her up, "This why I tell you to stay still"

I'm not understanding why the hell she keep hurting herself. I'm so fucking mad

"No don't touch me" she said in a trembling voice and I can tell she wanna cry

"What was you doing?"

"I just remember locking my knees" she said before I tried to help her up again, "Stop touching me"

"You need to get up" I said trying to keep patient, "It's almost one in the morning"

"My hip hurt so bad just leave me alone"

"Angel I'm tryna help you and you're not cooperating with me. I understand you hurting, but I'm getting irritated as hell"

"I'm sorry"

"No, I'm not irritated at you, I'm irritated cause you keep hurting yourself. Can you just let me help you?"

It took a minute for me to convince her to move, but I got her up. We went in the room and I looked at her hip.

It's not bruised or nothing and I hope it don't bruise up. I turned out the lights before getting back in the bed.

She gonna stress me out everyday.

The next morning I woke up to her already being up. She was too busy on her phone to even notice that I was up.

"Who got you so focused over there?" I asked jokingly while placing my hand under her shirt

"Kizzy" she said before I sat up and just stared at her, "I didn't mean to say it like that, it's not like that"

I was joking but jokes over.

"Angel it don't matter what it's like, I been said stop talking to her. I don't even care if she dying, she can die"

"She keep blowing my phone up from burner phones" she explained and I just shrugged my shoulders

"I don — you know what, you do what you want"

"Don't say do what you want as if I'm not obeying you. I'm literally just telling her to stop texting me, her regular number is blocked"

"Okay, it's cool"

It's definitely cool.

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