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Flau'jae Johnson

"It's not even no fucking tomato's on here" I heard Angel say causing me to turn around

She started crying full blown tears before I made my way over to her. I pulled her into a hug and wiped her face before kissing her.

"You want me to go back and have them remake it?" I asked before she nodded her head 'yes', "You don't have to cry"

"I'm hungry"

"I understand that mamas, but you don't have to cry" I said while wiping another tear away, "Ima go get you another one"

Angel's mood swings been through the roof all day. Her being a cry baby is normal, but her cycle is on so it's 10x worse.

I'm the only one who knows how to deal with it, maybe because it doesn't bother me. Aside from that I genuinely love catering to her.

It's literally her world and I'm just living in it.

I grabbed my keys before leaving out. My momma didn't really sell my car, she just threatened that she would out of anger.

She didn't really have a valid reason to anyways.

I quickly made my way back up to Raising Canes and had them remake her sandwich correctly. It took them ten minutes to remake it, which kind of irritated me.

It should never take that long to remake one sandwich. I made my way back home just for her not to want the sandwich anymore.


"I'm finna go to the studio" I told Angel while collecting all of her trash to throw away for her

"So now you don't wanna be around me?" She asked causing me to chuckle a little

"Bae I never said that, you know I always wanna be round you. You can come with me, come on"

"You gone write a song about me?" she asked softly causing me to smile at her

I don't know why, but her asking that just made me fall in love with her more. I fucking love her so damn much.

"You want me to write a song about you?"

"Yeah and I wanna shoot a video to it and be the main girl in it" she said before I just simply nodded at her request

"Anything for you, mamas"

We left making it to the studio and I immediately got to work. Normally I'll spend all the time that I want, but today I only need thirty minutes.

An hour at the most, I just need to add adlibs.

After recording the adlibs and being satisfied with them, we left. We stopped by Walmart for a bunch of snacks.

Angel's cravings are avaricious and demanding. She just wants to eat any and everything, it definitely gives pregnant.

After leaving Walmart we went back home and put everything away. I cleaned up a little and straightened up my work area for school.

I'm dreading the fact that school really finna start back. I just feel like I need another break from this break.

I'm only ready for basketball season, that's it.

"I need more Tylenol, it's not kicking in" Angel groaned as I repeatedly kissed her cheek

"Bae you cannot take no more that's too much dosage" I repeated for the second time before I begin to rub her stomach

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