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Angel Reese

I fixed my hair on my camera before getting out the car. I'm taking myself out for lunch today because I haven't been taking time to myself.

Everything's been moving at a fast pace or at least that's what it feels like. I've been trying to stay busy to stay sane and honestly, it's barely working.

Going through a break up is one of the toughest things somebody could ever go through. Only the strong survive.

I miss Flau'jae like crazy, I'm craving her. Imagine craving something and you can't get it

She texted me two weeks ago and I left her on read. Aside from the fact that I miss her, I'm still mad.

I walked in the Jamaican restaurant and immediately got seated. This restaurant is set up nice and everybody look's happy.

"Hey my name is Ja'Mire and ima be your server today" the boy said as I just stared at him mesmerized by the way he looked

I know I don't swing that way, but he's fine. His smile and those tattoos make a perfect combination.

"Uh — yeah hey" I said snapping out of my thoughts

"Can I start you off with something to drink?" He asked before I nodded my head

"I'll take a mango carrot tropical rhythms juice"

"Aight, I'll be right back with it" he said and I watched him walk away

I picked up the menu and looked through it before coming to a quick conclusion

"Here you go" Ja'Mire sat my juice in front of me

"Thank you"

"Of course, you ready to order or you need more time?" he asked causing me to shake my head no.

"I'm ready, I'll just take the curry chicken entree, medium. Then a small thing of goat on the side"

He started writing my order down as he eyed me with a smirk. It took everything in me not to smile, but I held back.

If he looks like this at work, I wonder what he looks like outside of these doors.

"You too pretty to be sitting by yourself, shawty. What you waiting on your boyfriend to come out the bathroom?"

"No, I'm here by myself" I said chuckling at how serious he is

"You playing a dangerous game coming out like this by yourself. The world crazy, princess" he said before walking away

I sat there on my phone while waiting for my food to come out. I'm not sure if I'm being impatient or they're taking forever.

Eventually my food came out and I didn't waste no time. I finished eating before getting the bill and paying.

"Let me get your number" Ja'Mire said while sliding his phone to me and looking around

I put my number in his phone before sliding it back.

"Ima text you, you better not leave me hanging. Enjoy the rest of your day though, princess" he
walked away and I just sat there shocked for second

I got up and left meeting up with Endiya, she came down to see me and another friend. We're going to get our nails done because apparently we're both slacking

I'm still working on getting a personal nail stylist. I can't keep coming to the nail shop.

I'm in need of one bad especially when I travel for work. Right now is fine because I'm in school and I'm traveling less.

"Bestie I missed you" Endiya said as she held her hand out for me to grab and I did

"I missed you too even though you don't love me no more" I said causing her to give me a weird look

"How don't I love you?"

"Cause you don't pick up my phone calls when I call" I said before she laughed a little

"I do love you" she tried to kiss my hand and I pulled away quickly causing her to bust out laughing

"Stop doing gay shit"

"You're literally gay, Angel" She said as I watched her die of laughter

"You my best friend, that's different" I said while chuckling a little, "Don't do that again weirdo"

"It's not like I leaned in for a kiss on the lips"

"Oh I won't ever have to worry about you leaning in for a kiss. If you weren't my best friend, I would think your homophobic"

Her mouth dropped before she started laughing. She knows I'm telling the truth.

"Don't say that" she said before I shrugged my shoulders, "What color are we getting our toes?"


"All you wear is white, we need to pick something different" she said before I sighed not really wanting to

White nails and toes will do it every time. French tips do the job too, but white toes get your pussy ate.

"Okay, let's just do pink"

We finished up in the nail shop before going back to my apartment. I was just laying down watching videos of me and Flau'jae in my camera roll

It probably would be a good idea for me to delete them, but I can't. My heart will not let me, so I refuse

I felt the tears coming before trying to hold them back, but failed. Without saying anything I made my way in the bathroom and let it all out.

I'm ready for this phase of the break up to be over with. I feel myself getting depressed each day, but I'm good at hiding it.

My phone dinged before I looked at it seeing a unfamiliar number. I clicked on the message and read it before smiling a little


Yo its ja'mire I know you don't know me but I'm hoping you get to know me. You tryna go out tonight?

I ain't on no weird shit either and everything on me. Keep yo' money in yo' pockets princess

For some reason I actually want to go out with him. He seems laid back and from the way he approached me earlier, his personality is there.

I wiped my face completely before coming out the bathroom. I'm a little nervous because like he said, I don't know him.

I might just be losing my mind.

"Why you look you was crying?" Endiya asked while sitting up to look at me

"Bestie I'm going out tonight" I said ignoring her question

"We going out tonight, where we going?"

"No I'm going out tonight, I met this boy name Ja'Mire earlier. We exchanged numbers and he asked me to go out"

"Is you fucking crazy?" She asked before I laughed, "No, I'm asking a legit question"

"I'm not crazy but I'm gonna go"

"Flau'jae know?" she asked before I rolled my eyes

"Endiya we're not together no more" I told her before her mouth dropped

"Angel why the fuck you ai —" I cut her off by groaning loud before she gave me a look

"I don't wanna talk about that just know I'm going out tonight"

"You don't even like niggas, so i'm confused. I think you bumped your damn head"

She started going off about how I don't know the boy and that I shouldn't go. Along with a few unanswered questions about Flau'jae.

I just don't want to hear shit else about what's about to transpire. She's more concerned about my safety than I am.


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