Roshni proposed siddharth and siddharth accepted his proposal, siddharth came back home after college happily.

Avneet lives in neighborhood of siddharth's residence.

Siddharth's mother is strict and she didn't like his son being friends with spoiled girls of his college.

She only likes Avneet, because she is like a family to aunty.

Siddharth want to share about his relationship status change first to his bestie.

After having his lunch at 4 pm at evening.

Before he could go to Avneet's residence.

She herself came to meet siddharth.

Avneet : hiii sid.

Siddharth : oh hello avneet, believe me, I was just coming to meet you.

Avneet : oh great, we have a strong connection my friend. (With a smile said)

Siddharth : agree, come I wanna tell you something.

Avneet : what happened, you seems really happy today? (With a smile seeing him happy).

Siddharth : come with me, I tell you everything.

Avneet : wait a second, my mother send a pudding for aunty so let me handover this to aunty.

Siddharth : okay.

Aunty came out from kitchen.

Avneet : namaste aunty.

His mom : namaste, so how are you my kiddo.

Avneet : I am good aunty, mom send this for you.

His mom : what is this?

Avneet : pudding.

His mom : aww, say thanks to sonia, she knows it's my favorite.

Avneet : yeah.

Siddharth : now come with me, I wanna talk to you.

His mom : what happened siddharth, can't you tell her in front of me.

Siddharth : it's a personal talks of friends mom.

His mom : oh okay okay. (Teasingly). Tell me later avneet.

Avneet : yeah sure aunty. (Teasing Siddharth).

Now siddharth hold her hand and bring her to his room.

Avneet : what happened mister, you are looking so excited?

Siddharth : I have a good news for you. I want to share it with you first.

Avneet : what? (Excited)

Siddharth : I made a girlfriend.

All of sudden, the all excitement dump off, she can't be happy from this news.

Stay tuned.

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