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Next day,

His mama, his cousins and uncle Aunty along with Siddharth are ready to go for a trip to Manali for two days.

Its quite cold weather in Manali, its a very good plan but avneet is thinking what will her bf will do in Manali without her.

Even what will she do here without Siddharth, she went to her father and asked them if they can also go Manali, as Ritika and Siddharth are going.

Her father have a busy Schedule right now, so his father told avneet that they will go after few weeks.

Avneet is Stubborn but this time his father didn't get ready, so she made a grumpy face and went to her room announcing that she won't talk to anyone now.

Her father really cant go.

Sonia Aunty have an idea, so she talked with Vibha Aunty and asked them if they can bring avneet with them.

Vibha Aunty said yes immediately and avneet wish to go with Siddharth to Manali is on.

She packed her clothes. And next day they all left with their bags for two days trip in Manali.

Avneet sits with Ritika in bus, but Ritika had her friend in group as well so she is busy with him.

Which is good sign for Avneet and Siddharth as they will get better and more chances now.

Siddharth and Avneet exchange smiles, even after being in same bus they are talking to each other on chat.

Because this is safest way to talk to each other.

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Siddharth : may I know what's a plan?

Avneet : I didn't planned anything yet?do you have anything in mind?

Siddharth : no, but please don't do something risky again.

Avneet : you are such a coward Siddharth, can't you take a bit Risk for me.

Siddharth : I can take but not infront of my family.

Avneet : shut up. Let me plan then.

Stay tuned.

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