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Third person's pov:

Jungkook!tae utters blankly rising his voice making kook to came from his trance.

"Are u deaf?how many times I have to call you?"tae scolds younger making jungkook to look down.

Why is he keep on talking rudely? If I marry him Do i have to listen his scoldings everyday?

"why are you silent?are you really deaf?"tae scolds him again making kook to look at tae with anger filled eyes

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"why are you silent?are you really deaf?"tae scolds him again making kook to look at tae with anger filled eyes.

"I'm not deaf, can't you see my big ears?it's just I'm thinking about the proposal-" kook replies equally glaring at tae but his words gets cut when tae slams his hand on the desk infront of kook with a thud sound making kook to jump slightly from his seat.

"D-o n-o-t talk back to me?"tae warns in his icy chill voice making kook to gulp at the manly voice.

"What did he thinks about himself?just look at how thin he is?kookaa just show who you are"kook thoughts while making a fist from the chair making tae to huff at younger's no response.

Tae again slams the desk to get younger out from his thoughts,as he really hates when someone neglects his words making kook to flinch again.

"I'm sorry,I won't repeat it again"kook replies immediately internally cursing at himself for not doing what he thought.

Why am I feeling this much submissive towards him?the great Jeon jungkook who is good at everything,what happened to him?

"How do you know my aunt?"tae asks seriously looking at kook breaking his trance making kook to face him straightly who now just sit on his chair infront of him.

"When I was 14years old,I went to a mountain to paint a picture,there I saw her sitting on the ground looking so sad which I don't like,then I slowly walked pass to her and give her the cookies that I baked for first time making her to smile at me for my concerns"

"From that day onwards we used to meet eachother on every weekend. Gradually we became friends,as the days passed on she told me to call her aunt which i fulfilled gladly....but i didn't thought she will also leave me like my parents"kook states with teary eyes remembering the memories with her making tae to look at him with a vivid emotion.

"Don't worry taehyung-shi,she is a good person,so she will be in heaven"kook says making tae to turn his head backwards to the wall to hide a tiny emotion which he had of mentioning of her aunt.

"But....Do you really want to marry me?"kook continues his words while fidgeing with the threads of his black jacket between his fingers being unsure of elders proposal making tae to rise an eyebrow.

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