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Third person pov

"Let's start our marriage life kookaa" after listening to this words kook's whole body stops functioning making him to wide his eyes.after listening to it he can't able to feel anything even the warmth he is getting from the elder and his body suddenly becomes cool getting the coldness from the rain.

He had met so many people in his life till now but he didnt feel any special attraction towards anyone in his life until tae came to his life.kook also lost parents in his teenage from that onwards he always wanted to have someone in his life eventhough he got most warmful friends.

May be that's why he partially agreed for this marriage thinking probably that someone would be tae.and after marriage tae really became that someone.he become that someone to guess his problems without even stating that he become his safe place,he became his shelter,he became that someone to bicker and tease.

Probably he should have told no if tae should have said the same words to him on early days of their marriage but now..he is more than willing to start this relationship with him.and now he don't want to hide it anymore from tae.

And slowly a small smile occurs on younger face when he decides to point out his feelings.he gently places his hands on elders black hair knocks while gently caressing it making elder to move his lips even more furiously on younger feeling contented by youngers response.

*thunder* a loud sound gets echoed in that entire area while breaking their moment making both of them to breath heavily while leaning their heads on each other.

"Tae.."younger calls elder while placing his hand on elders cheek making him to look at him.."I.. I love you..."kook finally confesses with intense love in his eyes making elders body to stop functioning.

When these words lefts youngers mouth..the whole world gets invisible to tae...only the love in him gets visible to him.

But the question is what he has say now? he knows he likes younger but..will he be able to take care of him like he did?

will he be able to help him when he his need like today?

But by looking at the small things he can't do like even like expressing himself or driving or saying thank you or sorry....and he also don't think he deserve youngers love by looking at his overthinking nature making him to unable to answer him.

"Kookaa....I...I.. don't..de..serve..~shh~" Before elder can say something younger cuts him while placing his finger on elders mouth.

"You deserve the whole world taehyung. and I'm so happy to have you as my husband.you really don't know how good you are to me after our marriage. I literally enjoyed every second you spend with me.I know you still gets reluctant to say some words.so...I'll wait for you until you say it"kook completes making tae to hug him tightly by letting his tears to fall freely on youngers shoulders listening to the overwhelming words.


It's been 5 minutes since elder hugged him.and it's been 5 min since elder is crying literally squeezing younger's heart while listening to his cry,but he let him cry.cause he knows tae is not someone to show his weakside to anyone.if he is crying now that means he trusts the younger.and he also let's him thinking that sometimes it's good to cry when you feel it.

"Tae..."kook utters while de-attaching himself from elder who is now sniffling.. he gently wipes the tears on elders cheeks with his thumbs and makes him to look at him.

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