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Third person pov

A certain brunete hands over the key to that the elder who is stood infront of him"Will you drive?"he utters making tae to look sideway moving his fingers to his broad neck while caressing it.

"I....actually..."tae utters continuing his caressing on his neck making younger to frown at that"I don't know how to drive a bike.and it was also my first time to see the bike from this much close."he finally utters getting high end embarrassment of his life.

"What?"a quick response arrives from younger making elders nervousness to increase each second.eventhough he know that younger won't judge him but the reaction that he got from younger made him to reconsider his decision again.

"Tae? you are really something"kook says with adoration his eyes moving towards the elder making elder to frown at that.

He didn't expect this much calm response from younger.he atleast expected a chuckle from him but adoration? Why?

"Here"kook utters handing over the gloves and helmet to other making him to come back from his trance.

"wear them"he says making elder to wear them on him as younger also did the same.slowly kook wents to bike and climbs it up and signs with his head making the elder to climb as well.

It's been a minute but younger drive it off.he just remained in ready to go position making elder to look if something is infront of them.but his searching gets stopped when younger slowly holds elder palms and makes him hold his slim waist making him to lean on him.

He slowly turns towards the elders side making their noses to touch without loosing the grip he has on elders palms making tae completely speechless at their unexpected proximity.

"Thank you tae for all this" younger whispers slightly near his lips and slowly plants a long kiss on elders cheek making elder to close his eyes enjoying the warmth.

"Let's go and let's get it!"kook yells after few seconds with a smile while rising the accelerator making elder to smile at the happiness.

1 hour later

It's been 1 hour since their journey started.and the elders grip slightly got tighten on younger.

If you ask is he okay? Or not?.he is more then just okay.it was the first time for tae to come outdoor especially for not business purpose.this cold air which is welcoming him by gently touching his cheeks.this hot yet cold weather.this mesmerizing scenery of greenary and hills.and this warmth he is getting from younger making him feel contended.

He didn't know that it would be this much fun to travel on bike from his whole life after his parents.he didn't have time and interest go anywhere and never even have a person to go with.at that time he only had one thing in his mind that is...to get successful.

After working so hard he finally get the admission to get into his favourite profession...but he can't able to study it others while going to university making friends and enjoyjng like everychild....as his aunt died at that time making him to handle the whole company at the age of 18.

And 5 years passed like that with continous work.but now he want to experience every single thing which he can't able to do.He also wanted to go on trips and vacations like others did.he also want to play games like others did.he also want drive the crazy vehicles like bike and race cars like others did.

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