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9 months later

A bunch of Sunrays falls on a certain ravenete making his grip to get tighten on the pillow which he has been holding and slightly his eyes gets open when the sun deliberately sends more Sunrays towards him making him to visibly pout at that.

With a great difficulty he lifts himself from the duvet and goes towards the washroom...with half closed eyes he applies toothpaste on his brush and starts brushing while being sleepy.

But his all laziness disappears and anger rushes to his face when he sees himself on the mirror because someone painted his face with markers and he knows who he is.

"Yah!Kim taehyung!"suddenly a roar echoes in Kim household making jimin to yelp while accidentally spilling the chily sauce in the breakfast he has been cooking.

"What kookaa did something happened?"a certain brunette utters who is using his laptop while sitting in the hall utters making kook to come towards with murderous glare.

"Why did you do this?"kook asks while pointing his face with anger laced voice making Tae to stand up from his place .

"For fun"tae says and runs from their after showing his tongue to younger making kook to give an unbelievable look and starts running at the back of him.

"Yah wait!"kook says when he can't able to catch the older who is running everywhere in the house making him to run as well.a sounds of laughing and yelling and heavy breathing can be heard from Kim household.

"Jiminaa eventhough I did it fun but he looks so cute like a bunny with it, right?"Tae says from back of jimin making jimin to shake his head getting done with the couple daily fights.

It's been 9 months since kook confessed his feelings to elder.and it's been 9 months since both of them started their relationship as husbands but something changed between them.Tae starts becoming more and more expressive and more teasy guy..not a single day will pass in kim house hold without their bickering.

"Yah! you stay there.I said stay over there"kook says while running after Tae who is running like a racer.

"Junki hyung!"Tae says with excitement looking at elder who is coming towards him,and he quickly hides behind him.

When junki hears that hyung word his eyes slightly gets moisture.eventhough it's been months since tae started calling him hyung while thanking him for being there with him making him a crying mess but yet he still didn't addicted to it...that's why whenever Tae calls him like that he gets emotional.

"Hyung! honestly doesn't he looking cute"Tae asks junki who is trying hard to control his laughter when his vision falls on kook whos face with literally looking like a joker making kook's anger to rise.

"You..."kook utters trying to say something but he stops his words in between when he makes up his mind to give silent treatment to elder.and he starts going towards his room making Tae to frown at that.

"Kookaaa...kookie?...jungkookaa..yah Kim jungkook-"

"What?"kook utters sitting in front of mirror cutting elders words with glare making him to visibly gulp.he slowly leans on youngers neck while placing his both hands on youngers silm waist who is wiping his face with wet tissues while glaring at the elders hand making Tae to pout.

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