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Third person's pov

"Where are you going?" tae asks holding kook's hand making him to look at him and finally a sign of relief lefts kooks body when he sees elder safe and sound infront of him.

"I thought you will not come"kook utters in a slow voice looking down when tae removes his hand maintaining a safe distance from him.

"I planned the same to hurt you intentionally" tae utters with sarcasm dripping making kook to understand that elder is angry on him.

"But that incharge mr.kang caught me and dragged me here saying that the competition has begun"tae says with his blank face making kook to chuckle bitterly at himself because of what he did,but he regains himself trying to apologize facing tae.

"Taehyung,I really didn't mean to say those words,im really so-"

"I came here just for this competition and don't think i come here for your apology"tae utters cutting younger's words.

"Taehyung I-"

"Ladies and gentlemen now I am going to tell you regarding the rules and regulations of the show" Mr.kang the show incharge announces while cutting kook's words in middle making him to face him with a sign.

"As you all know this was one of the most prestigious competition cause,it not only gives you Mr.cook title for one year but also the best restaurant award to your hotels.

"And as you already know that this year we introduced new concept that only married couples are allowed in it,right?" kang says making all the participants to give a nod.

"That's because it is going to be a team cooking show,that means not only you but also your partner will have to cook here"kang says making all the participants eyes to get wide including kook.

Because at this moment he only want one thing that is to not irritate elder more then he is now,but what can he do when destiny is playing with him like this.

Later Kook slowly turns his head towards tae's face to observe elders expression but he shakes his head when he sees elder with the same blank look.

"Taehyung If.... you don't want to participate we can go now" kook utters facing elder making him to rise an eyebrow at him.

"So that you can blame me again?" Tae says while rising his eyebrow at younger while maintaining his sarcasm making kook to wide his eyes.

"It's not like that,I just don't want you to hurt yourself" kook says while remembering how tae didn't enter into the kitchen for once since their marriage with worry laced voice.

"Dont worry mr.jeon,I'm not that bad to hurt myself that easily"tae says giving a vivid look to younger making him to frown at his words.

"But-"kook tries to say something but before he can Mr.kang cuts him with his announcement.

"Contestants regarding the dish you are gonna make,you must be given full freedom to cook whatever you want and result will be given by the next week, but....it has some strict rules which you have to follow "Mr.kang says making all the contestants to look at him with curious eyes.

"1st one: Here the cook shouldn't use his hands with whatever the reason,incase if he uses his hand then,they both are considered to be eliminated" kang making all the contestants to frown at his words thinking how can they cook without using hands.

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