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Third person's pov:

Tae angrily enters into his cabin after their quarrel while closing the door with a thud sound making junki to flinch who is walking behind him.

"Thank god I didn't follow him" junki thoughts while taking a breath of relief looking at the closed door.

"What does he think about himself? Huh?"tae utters angrily slamming his hands on his desk making his things to jump slightly on them.

"Did I do that to show Heroism? like seriously?.I'm that one person who doesn't care about anything or anyone,it's just,..... Ah! Why the hell did I even get involved with him?"tae says breathing heavily with closed eyes to control his raze.

"Whatever don't want to think about him taehyung. Just stay away from him..that is good for you" with that thought tae finally opens his eyes and starts you do his work while arranging the things which fell because of his slamming.

When he gets busy in his work eventually youngers words gets plays in his head making him to lean his head on his chair while kicking his feet with frustated expression because of younger's behavior.

How the hell can he talk to me like that?

At night

After thinking a lot about the thing which happened in the restaurant kook finally decides to prepare japchae for elder trying to get forgiveness from him.now here he is preparing it.

After 15min he finally arranges everything and places it on the table waiting for the elder who didn't came yet.

After waiting 30 minutes their home calling bell rings making kook to immediately go towards to open the door with a smiley face.but he frowns looking at tae who immediately goes to upstairs without even glancing at younger.

10 min later tae comes down freshing up and silently eats his dinner making kook to frown looking at elders abnormal behavior towards him.

He really thought he will get a lot of scoldings from elder when he comes to home from office and he also prepared himself for that...but he didn't expect this from him.

"Taehyung.... Today I prepared japchae do you want to taste it?"kook asks sitting infront of elder while showing the japchae bowl to elder who isn't glancing at him by quietly eating the maid's food.

"Don't you really wanna eat it?"kook asks again looking at tae but

No response

"okay...I know you are angry at me,but can't we just talk it out without being like this?"kook says trying his best to talk to the elder who is behaving like younger is invisible there making kook frustrated.

"Why aren't you talking?" kook whines slightly not liking the cold treatment tae is giving to him.

Even though tae didn't talk much with him.He atleast gives answers to his questions.But now he is not even giving that making him frustrated about the situation.

"Taehyung, Im really sor-" before kook can complete his words tae stand ups from his place,and goes to upstairs after leaving his plate in the sink making the younger to sign while looking at the japchae.

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