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Third person's pov

"Enough!just enough!don't you dare to say one more word"kook says cutting his words coming towards tae.

"I know who you are,and what kind of person you are.cause i can see through your eyes,so...just don't say any word to degrade yourself and regarding this wound...it's not your fault cause i was the one who came infront of you.."kook whispers slowly when he understands the reason behind elders behaviour.

Slowly tae fists his hands tightly after listening to younger's words to control a strong emotion which is trying to come out.

But he gives up his control over his emotions when younger hugs him tightly while placing his left on his neck by providing a certain warmth making him to hug back.

"And about that punch,he deserved it, and I'll punch him again if he does something like this and definitely gets interfere in your matters which humiliates you.

And I'm not doing this as my responsibility.I'm doing this because I accepted you as my husband and I already give a chance to this marriage,so... stop treating me as your responsibility treat me as your husband" kook expresses his inner thoughts and turmoils completely making tae to wide his eyes listening to younger's bold confession.

But before he can do or say anything younger quickly goes towards the right side of the bed,closing his eyes making tae to unable to do anything.

After a minute of slience tae finally goes towards the bed and slowly lies down on his side,and closes his eyes with a boxy smile on his face while remembering younger's confession.

From his childhood onwards he is an introvert which made him unable to express himself regarding the things he want,in addition to it he talks less which made people to think he was a arrogant child because of being born in rich family

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From his childhood onwards he is an introvert which made him unable to express himself regarding the things he want,in addition to it he talks less which made people to think he was a arrogant child because of being born in rich family.

And until now nobody has tried to do friendship with him as everyone judged him while listening to his words which sound somewhat rude,making him to think that he don't need anyone in this world apart for himself.

But kook,he is different from all the people he met,he quickly understands his thoughts,like No other one did before,and younger didn't forgot to take care of him eventhough he is mad at him.

He never judges him,he foughts with him,he shares things with him,and treats him as a normal man like no one else did.

And mostly importantly he feels a certain type of connection towards him which made him to do things to younger which he didn't do for anyone,......

These all things made him to believe that he need someone in his life making him to accept kook as his husband long ago but...he don't want to show it infront of younger.

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