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2 days later At night:

As kook forgives tae...things between them became normal as is used to be. And these 2 days kook hasn't gone out from his house because of haemin overprotectiveness making him to become complete healthy.

Now, kook is at kitchen making japchae as it was his favorite.His japchae was so famous in his restaurant as it was the only dish...he cooks according to the manual without adding any thing excessive to make weird.thats why it tastes good.

Suddenly the house's calling bell rings making kook to open the door for tae who comes inside while taking off his tie and blazer making kook to frown while looking at him who is looked so tired.

"Why does he always looks tired!?

Isn't he a Ceo, I have never seen a Ceo working this much hard?" kook thoughts looking at elder who is going upstairs to freshen up.

Later he arranges the plates and serves himself and starts to eat his japchae with slurping sounds enjoying his delicious dish while internally complementing him.

After 5 minutes tae comes down for dinner.But he steps becomes slow When his favorite japchae smell hits his nose making him to gulp wondering his maid cooked it.

Quickly tae sits on his chair eager to taste the japchae but a frown occurs on his face when he sees the japchae in younger's bowl.

"Did he made it?" With that answer all his hopes gets died down making him to sit quietly on his place.

"It smells so good, i wanted to taste it." tae thinks again while looking at the long noodles making his hands to automatically starts to move towards the bowl which had japchae.

"No, taehyung did you forgot what you planned?Incase you eat his food..what if its taste good?then you'll become addicted to it.

Didn't you want to maintain a firm relationship with younger.then just don't get sway over japchae" tae thoughts while taking his hand back with determination.

He finally restrains himself and starts to eat the normal noodles after seving himself which his maid made but... his all his determination gets swayed looking at the younger who is eating like a cooking show host, making him to gulp.

 his all his determination gets swayed looking at the younger who is eating like a cooking show host, making him to gulp

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"Gosh! He is such a pain!" Tae thoughts with a sign while keep on looking at the japchae.

After 5 min of eating Kook finally faces elder while enjoying his japchae but he frowns looking at the elder who is gawking at the japchae like a prey making him frown.

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