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One day ago

Tae lefts the house in anger making younger's tears to fall from his eyes. Eventhough kook is not someone to cry easily but the way elder talked to him really made him cry. He stayed silent only because its his fault.or else he knows how to talk back.

"Why are you crying kook?Didn't he always behave rude? Today you have seen his anger that's it,"kook internally thoughts while wiping his tears but that guiltness again comes to him while looking at the file which is on the table.

"But whatever i did is really wrong, I have to make the file good,"with that determination kook gently takes the blue file and starts cleaning each and every paper entirely while sitting on the table with a clean cloth.

But even after cleaning it neatly it doesn't looks good as all the papers gets fully drenched with soup while making those papers to convert into red from white making him to sign at that.

Now, there is only one solution he gets after lots of thinking and that is to type the whole 100 pages file now and he.. decided do it.

Quickly he searches for his laptop and printer which is in his room and places them on the dinning table where the file is and starts typing it with whole concentration by placing the drenched papers bundle on left side of the laptop.

Gradually the night gets passed like that where younger works hard to type every single page in it by sacrificing his sleep.

And finally he completes it precisely at 4am and prints it while placing those papers in a purple color folder.And slowly sleep takes over him making him to slept on that table.

In the morning before going to restaurant he calls junki to met him at their house by saying him to give that file to tae.Eventhough he can give to other directly he doesn't want to face the elder especially not now.

Is he angry at elder?thats why he is doing it?....Of course he is, from his childhood onwards he was adored by both his family and friends.Until now nobody didn't talked that much harshly to him like tae did.So it's normal for him to get angry but he is more hurt then angry.

He agrees what he did was wrong.But Is this only his fault? Didn't it is tae's fault to place those files on the dinning table?. Even though he said he will make it right the elder didn't believe him.He judged him by insulting him.And Now he made the impossible possible. But now can tae did the impossible of take his words back ?no right?.

Kook internally shakes his head Cause his mind keeps on wandering on these thoughts about yesterday's incident.so, to make them clear he decides to go the restaurant to keep his mind busy.


"What?"tae asks junki who gave him the file saying that kook asked him to making tae to check it quickly while sitting on his chair.

"Did jungkook really gave it to you?"tae asks being unsure while wondering how the file which got drenched in soup is good now.

He clearly remembers the file was completely destroyed with the soup.And there is no chance that someone can erase it using any trick and there is only one way to make it right that is to type the whole 100 pages file.

"Yes, boss,jungkook sir gave it to me this morning.But sir..if you don't mind can i ask you... is kook sir ok ?" junki asks making tae to face him at the unusual question while rising his eyebrows.

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