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Third person's pov

"I didn't marry you to leave you mr.taehyung" kook utters making tae to blink his eyes at the close proximity.

Now kook is on top of tae while placing his both hands on either side of him making tae to hold youngers waist to provide support to younger as their bodies are too much close to each other to even let air in between them making tae to curse at the situation.

"I didn't mean that ty-pe of leave"tae utters with difficulty looking into kooks eyes which are deeply staring at him.

Why is he shuttering?

"Don't tell me my touch is his weakness" kook thoughts while remembering jimin's words to find elders weakness.

"But I think you mean it tae~"kook whispers near elders ear trying to check his assumption making goosebumps to arise on elders body while listening to the nick name from the younger.

Slowly youngers leans towards tae making him to give up his control over on him getting ready to attack those soft lips with an intense expression making kook to give a victorious smile inside.

I got his weakness jimin!

"Hmm.You don't have fever"kook says while backing away from elder going towards his bed making tae to take a breath of relief.


"Taehyung,aren't you gonna sleep?"kook says after 10 min while looking at tae who is still on the sofa making him to go towards the bed.

"Aren't you gonna sleep?"tae asks kook when his vision falls on kook who is using his mobile while pressing the key board buttons making it to look like he is chatting with someone.

"I'll after sometime"kook says without looking at tae busy while bitting his lips as a habbit making tae to glare at him.

It looks like he is chatting with someone?

But with whom is he chatting at night?

That to sitting beside me?

Does he really think me as his husband?

Tae thoughts while continous glaring at the phone,if glaring can destroy something the phone must be exploded by now.

"Jungkook,stop using it and sleep" Tae again utters angrly after 5 min making kook to shut his phone while placing it on the other side looking at the glaring tiger.

"Here.I turned it off.I'm just chatting with jimin you dont have to feel jealous?Taehyung"kook says making tae to give an unbelievable look to him.

"Jealous?why will I be jealous.I just said that for your health that's it"tae says getting up from his side while taking a lip balm from the drawer beside him making kook to frown at that.

"Here.Take it"tae says handing over the a lip balm to younger making his frown to get deeper.

"Why are you giving me this?"kook utters trying to clear his confusion while taking that lip balm from elder.

"Your lips are sw-ollen"tae states with flustered cheeks while remembering the kiss he had with younger making younger to coo at him.

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