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In restaurant

tae gently holds his face with his right hand gently,making kook to lean on his palm,their eyes again meet,slowly kook closes his eyes giving a small acceptance, making tae to kiss..but just when he was about to place his lips on younger, he hears a thud sound braking their moment making tae to look at place from where the sound came.

There he sees the rabbit which just fell off along with the basket making a thud sound.

Later his vision falls on younger and the position they are in,making him to wide his eyes.He abruptly sits up gaining his posture making younger to sit as well.

"What the hell happened to me? What did I even try to do?"tae internally curses himself for loosing his control just like that.

Never in his life he lost control like that. But now the question is what the younger is thinking about him?.What if he misunderstand this situation?.No.. before anything can happen he have to explain it.

"Ju-ngkook,....actually...what just happened is..-"

"I know what your are trying to say,..it-s just heat of the mom-ent,I under-stand that"kook stutters patting his red cheeks looking down cause he unknowingly encouraged elder before.

"But...why did you stopped?"kook asks with a smirk in his face looking at the elders flustered face who is facing other side making tae to wide his eyes.

"Wh-at?"tae's words gets stutter when he sees younger face so much close to him when he turns his head towards younger's side.

"I asked why did you stopped?Don't tell me you don't know how to do it?"kook says and starts hovering on elder with a seductive look making tae to gulp.

"Don't worry,I'll show you how to do it" kook says making tae's heart to jump out of his ribcage looking at their position.

Slowly the younger leans controlling his laugh looking at elders nervous face,but before he can back off from him elder immediately stands up escaping from his grip while breathing heavily.

"Y-ou,....you forgot to clean yesterday's broken flowerpots"tae says taking the broom and going towards the hall.

"And don't do these types of pranks on me,I....I don't like it"tae says before leaving from their making kook to smile loudly liking elders flusteredness.

Later,with the help of elder kook neatly arranges the restaurant and starts cooking for themselves after freshing up.And when he serves it on the plate, he sees elder coming towards him after getting freshened up.

Now, both of them sits opposite to each other with a comfortable silence, eating their food.

"Taehyung there is a video game do you wanna play it with me after breakfast?" kook utters breaking the silence making
tae to give a small nod to get rid of uncomfortable silence between them.



"Press the right button"

"Why are you pressing the left button"

"Watch out, that is a trap"

"Yah ~run!run!"

"Why are you this slow" kook utters facing tae who Sat beside him in sofa making tae to glare at him.

"Will you stop talking,did you forgot you are one who asked me to play.And now I'm playing it right?,so don't disturb me and play your own game"tae states facing the tv making younger to sign.

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