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Third person's pov

Now taekook are on the car driving towards the hotel,while stealing glances at each other.

When this morning junki called tae,and said that he have to bring kook to the party, he didn't wanted to bring him because for that he himself have to ask the younger to come.

But he asked him without knowing why?and when he got to know what he said to younger before,he immediately wants to deny the fact,but looking at how younger immediately agreed to it he can't able to do that.

And with kook,he is quite happy for giving a chance to this marriage,and he is really happy for the jimin's stay in thier house.because of it he got to know that tae really cares for him while remembering yesterday moment how elder placed him on the bed with a care without knowing he isn't asleep that time,making his heart to skip a beat.

"Mm..Can you tell me something about the party"kook asks breaking the silence between them to start conversation making tae to give a glance to him.

"You will know when you see it"tae utters turning towards the road making kook to sign.

When will he change?

After driving for 30 min they finally reaches the paradise hotel which is one of the expensive and biggest hotel in entire Seoul making kook to look at it from top to bottom from the car glass.

"Shall we go now?"tae asks standing outside of the car while giving car keys to driver making kook to came out as well.

later they both starts walking inside of the hotel.now Kook can clearly see a lots of unknown people from outside who are looking really good while wearing expensive outfits,making him to look at himself and a sudden nervous gets clouded in his mind thinking about their reactions.

What if they don't like my outfit?

What if they judge me?

And what If they humiliate me like in movies?

With that kook steps halt and certain fear takes place on his face thinking about so many what ifs while looking at the crowd.

When tae walks upto the entrance of the hotel and about to go inside, he turns his head back to look at the younger but a frown occurs on his face while looking at the younger who stood 3 inchs back from him thinking something,making him to go towards him.

He slowly go towards the younger to know why he stopped walking,but his confusion gets cleared when he understands that younger was feeling nervous while looking at his eyes which are continously staring the people.

So he slowly holds kook's left hand which was trembling with his right hand,while breaking his trance making kook at him.

"stay close to me don't go anywhere"tae says in a protective manner making kook to give a nod as all his nervousness gets vanished because of a certain warmth on his hand.


When they comes inside the entire venue gets silent looking at the power couple who walks in,while holding hands making all the people to shock looking at their intertwined hands and unexpected arrival of jungkook.

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