PT 1

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For the past few days, everything has gone to its worst. My father came back.

I felt a sharp pain in my face. Everything went black. I heard faint screaming until all of it was gone. I felt myself waking up by being thrown onto the floor. As I heard a loud slam of the door being shut, I fluttered my eyes open. I was more aware. I panicked, quickly sitting up as I heard mumbles and crying. I looked over to see Bill on his knees sobbing, as Georg and Gustav were trying to calm him down. I looked around to see if I could spot my mom, she was nowhere. I panicked even more, but composed myself as all eyes turned to me from my heavy breathing. Bill ran up to me, kneeling down giving me a tight hug. "They are hurting her. They are hurting mom and they locked us in here. What do we do Tom!?" He panicked as he pulled away.

"What are they doing to mom!?" I looked up at Bill.

"They dragged her out of the room after you got knocked on the face by one of the guys! I heard her grunting as they hit her!" He cried. Everything at the moment froze. But I needed to stay strong, just like last time. I stood myself up as the door swung open, we all stepped back afraid as we saw our mother being thrown into the room. The door slammed shut as we ran to her. I kneeled down, putting her head on my legs.

"Mom!? Mom please stay awake! We are going to help you, everything will be fine okay!" I put my hands on her cheek, circling my thumbs on the bruises that were forming. The only "good" thing is that we were put into my room. I had a bathroom and clothes but no food.

"Let's put her in bed!" Georg said as we picked her up gently, laying her down on the bed. I ran to the bathroom grabbing a towel. I turned on the sink and let the towel run in cold water. I ran back and moved everyone out the way as I sat next to her. I started to dab her face with the towel, hoping it would help in a way. Her eyes fluttered, taking a look around the room.

"Mom?" Bill said.

"I-im okay." My mom barely got out. I continued to dab her face as her rusty voice was telling us everything. "And this is where we are. I'm sorry boys. I really am. We should've left sooner but the money was expensive to get on the place right away. I didn't want you guys to leave in a rush. I-"

"Mom, stop worrying. Please, just get rest while we try to figure something out." I demanded as she lightly nodded before shutting her eyes and drifting to sleep. " We all need rest, who knows how long we are going to be here." I lightly said, turning my head to the boys.

"Well make a bed on the floor for us then, and sleep the whole day. They won't do anything if we do that for today." Gustav explained. We all agreed as they started to make a format of blankets on the floor and pillows for us as I continued to dab and clean my mother's face. I need to do something. I need to fix this. I need to be the bigger man here, starting now.

It's been about a week since my dad came back. I've been helping everyone out, keeping everyone safe but in line. After the day he came, nothing really happened. We didn't get any food. We were only able to drink water from the faucet. My mom got better over the week as well. She was in better condition. But that didn't stop my dad from still hurting her. Before I fell asleep, I took my dreads out. My real hair was now in cornrows as my mom helped me. My hair is black so for me, it's better.

A big thug awoken me as I startled. I looked around the room as I saw the door closing and my mother lying on the floor. I ran up to her, waking everyone else up from my panicking. She sat up and rubbed the side of her cheek. I lifted her head up and looked at her. She had a big red hand made on her cheek and a busted lip that was bleeding. "He did this?" I asked. She nodded as I clenched my jaw. I helped her up bringing her to the bed as Bill got a towel wetting it. He handed it to me as I cleaned my mom's lip. Another towel was brought from Georg, wet and cold enough for her cheek. He placed it on her cheek and she grabbed it herself.

"Thank you guys." She gave a soft smile.

"What happened?" Gustav spoke as he was referring to the situation.

"He came in while we were all sleeping and grabbed me, taking me out. He didn't speak to me and slapped me across the face." She looked down. Bill gasped and I could feel his tears starting to form. I knew he was about to break down. I looked at Georg and Gustav to take over as I would reassure my little brother. I walked over to him as he began to break down silently.

"Tom I can't do this anymore. I want out of this." He whispered.

"We all do, but you can't leave me. Not now, not never. It's going to be okay. But for now you need to stay strong for me." Pulling him into a hug. I felt his body relaxed a little as I hugged him. I pulled away after a minute and sat him down against the wall to cool off a little more. I turned around to see the boys sitting next to my mom as she was holding the towel against her cheek. I felt a shock go through me as we heard the door open again. A man came in. Setting down McDonald's and a pack of water in the middle of the room. We all stood still, not wanting to move to be safe. As he left, the restroom in the room wasn't there.

"Food and water." Bill spoke up. I nodded and walked up to the bag of food. I gave everyone a cheeseburger, a 10 piece and fries. The room sat with chewing and silence as we ate. We were all being starved. I looked over to my mom to see her enjoying every bit of the food. I smiled as she felt better. I looked at the time as the clock was still working, it's 2pm. As I finished my food, I cleaned up as everyone was stuffed from eating. I walked up to my mom and sat next to her on the bed.

"It's time for a shower." I softly spoke. She nodded as we stood up. I had been helping her to take baths instead of showers because there were many bruises from the beginning on her legs, making them weak. As I finished helping her, she got dressed and laid down on the bed. I knew she was going to sleep. "Okay guys, I'm going to shower and then whoever's next until we all showered okay." They all nodded. I showered, then Bill, then Gustav and then Georg. As we all finished it was 4. We didn't really have anything else but to watch TV. As we all watched TV while my mom was asleep, the door opened. Standing in the middle of it was my dad.

"Tom." He spoke firmly. I looked over. I felt terrified, but I didn't show it. I didn't want to. I needed to be just as firm to show him he isn't getting away with this. "Come." I looked over at the boys slightly nodding my head to let them know it was okay. I stood up and walked out of the room. He shut the door and pulled me to the living room. My mind started to flood with things that could happen, but I need to be calm and firm. For them.

Hey guyssss! Long time no see but it looks like you still need to read more. So go! Now! Xoxo 😘

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