PT 32

404 14 14

July 25, 2009

I was talking to my babies as y/n talked with my braids. Today was the day we had the interview of our relationship. I couldn't ask for it anymore than what I already had.

March 23, 2010

"You just need to push one more y/n you got this honey!" The doctor yelled. I did my final last push as I heard my second baby crying. They were finally here. March 23, 2010 is their birthday. I was breathing heavily as Bill was holding my hand. I look over to see Tom holding our baby girl, Liliana. Surprisingly, even though Tom is an identical twin, we have fraternal twins. The doctor wrapped my baby and handed it to me. Joseph. Tom wanted to name him Nick but I said no, reminding him of the encounter I had with one, Nico. Ugh forget him. Anyways, I was holding Joseph and Bill was admiring him. The doctor took Liliana from Tom to clean her up. The doctor now came to me, as I gave her Joseph so he could also get cleaned up. Tom sat beside me, both Bill and Tom's were holding my hands for reassurance.

"You did it baby." Tom caressed my cheek.

"I did." I sighed, giving a weak smile. I was tired after pushing out two babies, but it was so worth it.

"What are the baby names going to be again?" Bill asked

"Joseph and Liliana Kaulitz." I stated, with a huge smile on my face. We haven't gotten married but I wanted them to have Tom's last name.

"Beautiful names." Bill smiled.

"I know right. Guess y/n has better taste in names than me." Tom smirked. I rolled my eyes and saw them bring back Joseph and Liliana. I got Joseph again while Tom got Liliana.

Today is January 2nd, my baby shower! Even though it's a day after a new year, might as well start well with a baby shower. We were opening gifts as we finished revealing that we were having a boy and girl. Tom was crying out of happiness and Bill was going crazy still. The gifts were amazing, I couldn't wait for my babies to come.

I was caressing Joseph's cheek with my thumb as I stared at what I created. True Beauty from both me and Tom. I looked up at Bill who was smiling so hard, his cheek bones wanted to pop out. "Wanna hold him?" I asked. Bill looked up at me, nodding his head crazy. I laughed and passed Joseph to Bill. Bill was smiling like crazy. I looked over to Tom who was admiring the hell out of Liliana. He was talking very lightly, I couldn't hear him.

*Tom's POV*
I held Liliana in my arms, I couldn't stop smiling my cheeks hurt. She had my nose and eyebrows, but her mother's eye shape and lips. She was a mixture. "You know you're just as beautiful as your mother." I softly stated. It's true. She was beyond beautiful, just like y/n.

Time passed and y/n was asleep resting. The rest of the bands came in and we all shared holding Liliana and Joseph. Bill didn't want to let go of Joseph, Bill has major baby fever and since he's the only uncle basically, he loved it. But we all know deep down all of the boys, Gustav Georg and Bill were uncles to my kids. Not so much y/n's band yet since we were still getting close to them. It was taking a lot of time, but soon enough it will be good. I watched as they all held them, making sure they weren't hurting them. I will protect them all my life. I looked over to y/n who was curled up in a ball, sleeping beautifully and peacefully. I held her hand and brushed her hair out of her face. I really am a lucky one I have to say. She, y/n y/l/n, soon to be a Kaulitz, was everything I ever wanted and needed.

Short but HOW CUTE!? How i wish I had this 😞 but how are you guys feeling about this? Xoxo 😘

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