PT 33

409 17 21

June 16 2012

Today is the day of me and Tom's wedding. Oh shoot, you didn't get the chance to see how he proposed. Oh well, let me tell you.

April 11th, 2011

After almost a year our babies were born, I decided it was time to propose to y/n. I couldn't wait anymore, she was the one. Some people might say we are too young but if it feels right, then I guess it's just right. We were sitting on the hill when I first took her on a date. The one where there was a small pond/river and then a cliff. It was just like it, in - n - out, cuddling, stars. All of it. As she stood up to coming back with another blanket from the car, I was standing there as she set it down. Her back was turned to me, as I went on one knee. She turned around and gasped. "Y/n y/l/n, ever since I met you, something inside of me clicked. I have never felt this way about a woman. You were truly one of a kind and I am beyond grateful to have you in my life, and our children. Before we had mistakes, but this was never the mistake. Y/n, would you marry me?" She had tears running down her face and her hand on her chest.

"Yes of course!" She put her hand out as I skipped the ring on, kissing her hand. I stood up and she immediately kissed me. Filled with much passion. It was like a spark. Let's just say things that night did get a little comfortable but we don't need to go into it....

June 16, 2012

Romona was helping me with my dress.

(This was the dress but more white than champagne)

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(This was the dress but more white than champagne)

I had my hair and makeup done from my stylist who's is our band stylist. I was beyond nervous. People were now just waiting for me. "Your going to do great girl!" Romana exclaimed as she set the head peace on my hair.

"Thank you so much Romana. This means a lot. All this help. I love it, thank you." I pulled her into a hug.

"No problem, it was all out of pleasure." She hugged me back. "I'll let them know you ready." She pulled away. Bill would be walking me out, I was nervous. I felt my breathing wanting to get out of control but I used a method Tom taught me. I gained my breath back and looked in the mirror. Wow.

"Are you ready y/n?" I turned around to see Bill's.

(Something like this they were wearing ,but less champagne like your dress

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(Something like this they were wearing ,but less champagne like your dress.)

Bill smiled more and walked up to you. "you look absolutely beautiful y/n."

"Thank you bill." I hugged him as he gave me one back and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you y/n."

"For what?"

"For making Tom happy. I've never seen him like this, I know this is for the best." I felt my eyes get water and Bill let out a small laugh. " You can't cry, but we can't wait any longer." I blinked as the tears go away. It's time.

*Toms POV*

(Something like this but inside a place where it's glass I don't know if you get that but yeah)

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(Something like this but inside a place where it's glass I don't know if you get that but yeah)

Liliana and Joseph were 2 years old, and we chose them to be the flower girl and flower boy. I watched as they threw flowers and were smiling and giggling at each other. they are just like me and Bill. They set down the baskets and took their place next to my mom. I smiled, as I knew this was the time she was coming out. The doors opened, and there she was. The beauty of it all. Her eyes sparkled more than her dress, she was really just beautiful. Bill was walking beside her as they came close and closer. Bill was my best man and Romona was y/n's. She kept eye contact with me until she was all the way up here. Me and bill shook hands and he stood beside me. Y/n now stood in front of me. I analyzed her dress, her hair, her face, her body. It was all perfect. She was it.


"Tom, do you take y/n y/l/n, to be your long wife and forever be together"

"I do"

"Y/n, do you take Tom Kaulitz to be your husband and forever be together?"

"I do." Her smile became more graceful everyday.

"You may now kiss the bride."

I pulled y/n in, and kissed her. We were both smiling as the cheers from our friend and family were going. She pulled away and her eyes were filled with tears, one falling down her cheek. I wiped it away. "I love you."

She smirked. "Then show it to me again." I rolled my eyes, pulling her into another kiss as everyone went more crazy.

I grabbed the knife over y/n's hand as we cut the cake. I got some whip and smeared it on my nose. Laughter came and I did the same. I couldn't be any happier.

I think we did pretty damn awesome on our dance, of course I did better.....
(watch the video)

As we were sitting at our table, it was time for our toast/share. Bill stood up holding a cup and a fork tapping it. It became silent.

"It has been a very eventful evening. These love birds are getting married. If I could go back in time just to meet y/n again, I would. I couldn't be more thankful for her, and for my brother. She came into our lives and saved us and changed us in many ways. This is a toast, for not only this marriage, but for y/n coming into our lives and bringing happiness to not only Tom, but to all of us. Literally." Everyone laughed and we toasted. I looked at Bill and nodded my head. I know I made the right decision for all this.

Warning, it is coming to an end. But this is cute. Like really cute. UGHHHHHHH. Xoxo 😘

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