PT 26

469 16 14

*Tom's POV*
I'm feeling............. anxious. Not because of not being pregnant, I think she is pregnant. Even after the test. Something is telling me we have to go to the doctor soon. But what could it be. I mean, a pregnancy test doesn't make mistakes. Do they? No they can't. Hopefully. However, this morning was a stressful but blurred morning. Y/n threw up about 3 times, and we were almost late because of it. But it's not her fault, maybe it was a stomach virus. I don't think you could throw up this much with only being a few weeks pregnant. I helped her through the time though. As I said, I'm never going to leave her side. Ever. Now we were all sitting on the couch while the interview just began. The worst part is, I hate this person. He asks the most annoying questions and loves drama. I hate him. HATE him. We have a bag next to y/n just in case she throws up, we told everyone before it began. But I just know, the interviewer is going to ask stupid questions and make assumptions.

I - Welcome to "All That" today! Are special guests the band Paranorma and Tokio hotel. *Claps*. So how is everyone.

Bill and y/n both had microphones since they were the lead singers.

Bill - well me and my band are great, doing just fine

Y/n - as well as my band, we've been really pleased with everything

I - wonderful! So on tokio hotels last concert, Tom you had asked y/n to be your girlfriend.

T - yes, I did

I - and why was that? How did you feel?

T - I mean I did it because she was someone to special. She is someone I fell for deeply and it was my turn to make things good. I felt like the luckiest man alive every since then, even before but you know.

I glance over at y/n, she had a big smile on her face. Her cheeks flushed red as I explained.

I - and has there been any arguments or problems since then? With fans and even yourselves.

Fucken shit, he's alresdyt trying to pull shit.

T - no, there has been no problems. Infact people love y/n, but of course not as much as I do. *I wink over to y/n as people clapped*

I - well I see y/n you have a empty bag next to you, why is that?

Y/n - i havent been doing good, I keep throwing up so I have a bag next to em just incase.

I - throwing up? Did Tom get you pregnant?

He gave a little laugh, what a asshole.

T - okay-

Before I could say anything, y/n talked.

Y/n - okay first of all, it shouldn't be your business to know if he fucked me or not. Two, this is supposed to be an interview on the band, the tour, our songs, our albums and instead it's on me and Tom's relationship as if the other people aren't here. Please, before you do another interview, grow the fuck up and learn what the word boundaries means, and learn how to fucking be respectful.

She stood up, walking away as people clapped. She always never let anybody talk about her in a way, even if it wasn't in a way you could tell. And that way the interviewer did. We all's good up waving good bye knowing the interview is over since y/n left. I looked back at him, and smirked. He deserved it. We walked back and saw y/n breathing heavily as she drank water. Her anger gets out of control sometimes, it's understandable. I walked up to her, placing my hand so he shoulder.

"Following breathing, relax." I started to do a breathing exercise that Bill had taught me and helped me with when I used to be like this. It always worked. Y/n's breathing began to get steady and she calmed down. "You're okay." I pulled her into a kiss.

"Fuck that stupid interviewer pissed me off. I wanted to punch him and shove his ass down a fucking bears mouth." She hissed and hugged me. She felt tense until I hugged back, rubbing her back.

B - you'll have to get used to him. He is always like that

G - especially when it comes to relationships

Y/n - I know, I could tell.

R - I am hungry

Y/n - me too

T - let's go eat some carls Jr?

Y/n - yes! That sounds good!

We all walked out without any other contact with the workers. We left, going to Carl's Jr. As we sat down, we were already ordering our food. We shared laughs, and we got to know Travis, Romona, and Gabriel more.

B - wait y/n, what if you are pregnant though

Y/n - actually I took a test, it came out negative but after this we are going to take 2 more just to be sure of it. And then we are going to the doctors tomorrow. It's either a stomach virus or that.

T - well, we are all here if you need anything ok

Y/n smiled at Travis, thanking him for the comment. I'm glad she is able to make new friends, and be herself.

*Y/n's POV*

We were now waiting, both me and Tom for the results to come back. What if I am pregnant? Maybe the test was a mistake the first time. I felt myself getting tensed and tapping my foot rapidly as I waited on the toilet for the test to be ready. "Y/n." I look up to Tom


"Calm down, evening will be okay. It's your decision. What ever you want to do with it, if you are pregnant. I'll be here." He leveled to my height and pulled me into a hug. I sighed, feeling more at ease. I pulled away and grabbed the test.

Negative -

Positive +

I gasped. So am I or not? What if I am? This must not be right. Tom looked behind me to see the test. "Both? But how?"

"I - I don't know" I dropped them in the trash, pulling my hands over my face.

"I'm sure the Doctor tomorrow will tell us. Everything's going to be okay." He stated.

Was everything going to be ok? Would people attack me for this? What would both of the bands think? What would Alan think? What if I have to quit? Most of all, what am I going to do?

What are you going to do, y/n? Xoxo 😘

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