PT 15

620 20 13

So I decided to make this easier for me, so when people are talking, their initial is going to tell you who they are because it be hard when there is a conversation. But this will only happen when there are multiple people talking, not just two.

T - Tom
B - Bill
G - Georg
Gv - Gustav
S - Simone
Y/n - you ofc

*Tom's POV*
We got in the car and as we were driving it was 10. "So where are we going first?" Y/n spoke up.

"Well I was thinking of the cinema, you know to just watch a movie to start off." I smiled.

"Yeah sure." She looked out of the window. I can't wait to make her my girlfriend.

We got out of the car, entering the cinema. We decided to watch this movie which was kind of romantic and had lust in it. I knew this would be kind of awkward but it sounded like the only good one. We got popcorn and y/n asked if we could get Skittles and I said yes of course. Who doesn't love Skittles? As we sat down in our chairs, placing our drinks and everything between us, the movie already began.  As the part of "lust" came on, I felt tense. I glanced over to y/n to see her getting a little tensed and straightened up. I didn't want to rush, but I wanted to let her know she was going to be mine. Corny I know but if you were me , you would do the same. I placed my hand on the arm rest next to hers, slightly grazing her hand. I felt her look directly towards me, but me being myself of course, I gave a smirk without looking. After a small amount of grazing on her hand, I slid my hand into hers, interacting with them. They fit like a puzzle piece. I looked over to her to see her smiling, even though it's dark, I know she got red.

We exited the cinema as we laughed about the part where the main girl and main guy of the story, didn't know how to interact with each other at first when they met. We sat in the car after a good laugh. "So where now?" She turned her body toward me.

"How about we go to a trampoline place?" I suggested, even though that was the plan I had in mind.

"Oh my god! Yes!" She squealed. I laughed as I turned on the car, driving to the local park I used to go to as a kid.

We put our socks on that they gave us due to the requirements of the trampoline place. Y/n grabbed my shoes, placing them in the cubby next to hers. "So we get 3 hours of this place right?"


"Well then, it looks like we are going to have fun." She gave a smirk before grabbing my hand, dragging me to the dodgeball playground. She looked back at me giving me a cheeky smile.

"Dodgeball?" I smirked.

"Yes, dodgeball."

"So you really do want me to crush you in a game you know you can't win?"

"As if Kaulitz." She slightly pushed my shoulder walking past me to where the balls are. She grabbed multiple things before turning back around and heading into the play thing. I walked behind her, very slowly because all those balls in her hand meant anything right now. As we were in the middle she stopped, quickly turning herself around. A ball passed straight by me as I dodged it. Before she could throw another one, I jumped to the ball as she kept missing me. "FUCK. I keep missing!" She yelled. I picked up the ball, throwing it to her barely almost getting her. I'm not that bad if I say so myself.

"Get used to it because you won't be able to get me." I smirked. This is going to be fun.

It felt like a whole battle once the game between us ended. We got out of the dodgeball area and sat down on a bench, catching our breath. This might seem like a very very very very very very big lie, but she won...

"I can't believe I won. You suck." She laughed as she caught her breath.

"Once in a lifetime dot." I scoffed playfully.

The hours of the trampoline park came to an end. It was funner than I thought. Usually when I would go with the guys, it was fun. But with y/n, it was a whole different level of fun. She knew how to make it the best. We sat in the car in silence as we just got in. "I'm hungry." I turned to her.

"Yea me too." She sighed.

"In - n - out?" I suggested. She turned to me with a smile before nodding.

We walked into the place because we decided to eat inside instead. Usually in- n - out is always packed but there wasn't a lot. We went to the cashier, ordering our food. "Wait I need to use the bathroom, just order me a double double cheeseburger combo." I said before heading to the restroom. She nodded and began to order. I quickly did my business and washed my hands. Scheiße. I ran out and saw y/n sitting at a table. I sat down in front of her as she looked at me. "You paid, didn't you?" I mumbled. She smirked.

"Yes, I did."

"Y/n! Why couldn't you just say I was paying! That was-"

"Tom, it's fine. I got it." She grabbed my hand reassuring me. I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes.

"What ever." I said in a girl voice pretending to flip my hair. The food arrived and we munched. It was so good. Best food ever. During the time we laughed and talked. She ordered a milkshake afterwards while I was still eating. Before I knew it, I had some whipped cream on my nose. "Y/n!" I groaned, but gave a smile.

"What?! I didn't do that!" She gave a laugh. Her laugh is so beautiful, I could listen to it all the time.

"So, what do you want to do after?" I asked.

"Mmm." She thought. "Oh, let's go to the beach and watch the sunset." She smiled. I nodded, agreeing to her suggestion.

During the whole ride to the beach, she was singing her out to songs that played on the radio. Even one of her songs played, and she sang like an angel. We were now sitting on the sand, talking a little. She had her hands on the sand as she leaned back, viewing the sky. I looked down to her wrist to see the wrist bands she was wearing, hiding her cuts. "Y/n." I looked at her. He face turned to me, her eyes doe.


I sighed. Should I ask? I mean, I have to. The vision of her when she was on the roof made me need to ask. "Why did you cut yourself? What was the purpose of it?"

She sighed, "Tom....i just didn't like how it ended. Between us. How I left I felt like I made a mistake. But then I didn't see the point of living anymore when I didn't have you guys around. So instead of jumping, hanging or stabbing myself, the only way to do it was to cut." I got closer to her and she looked down. I took her arms placing them in front of me. Without looking at her, I started to take off the wristbands. She slightly pulled back before I fully took it off.

"Let me, please." I softly spoke. She nodded and I continued to take it off. I grazed both of my wrists as they were on my lap with my thumbs. I picked her hand up, beginning to kiss the scars and cuts that I saw. As I kissed everyone of them, I looked up. "You don't need to hide them, but you don't need to create them anymore." I put my hand on her cheek, caressing it. Tears fell from her face as i wiped them away. Before we knew it, we were hugging watching the sunset. The night ended with us finally being able to just, be ourselves again.

To me this is so cute and adorable. Imagine him kissing your scars, oh my god I would die. But for real, I have scars so. But anyways what do you think about this one? Xoxo 😘

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