PT 6

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It's been a while and Ricardo and then haven't come back. As I waited for a little longer, I heard the front door open as I sipped on my beer. "Georg?" Ricardo yelled out.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"We got food, let's eat!" He spoke as he walked into the kitchen. I follwed behind with my beer. As we sat down, he passed out food. We began eating as one of his guys asked a question.

"So when are you bringing Simone out again so we could play with her?" It went silent as he asked.

"I only bring her out once a week. I don't need her to beat down. I still need her for the pleasures." Ricardo spoke up with food in his mouth. I drifted off as I started to think. It's good, he isn't going to hurt her until Saturday. It's Monday today and everything should be done by Friday if it goes well. "Georg?" I heard Ricardo say as he interrupted my thoughts.


"You okay?"

"Yeah I just zoned out."

"Oh okay. Well I forgot to tell you guys. We found y/n, she is in California right now. I have one of my guys on her. Watching her from afar on everything." He stated proudly. I felt disgusted from hearing him saying this. Did he really need to bring y/n in this? I'm frustrated yes, I want to punch him. Y/n is like my sister, a kid to me.

"Did you send the letter to her?" Another one of his men spoke.

"No, I read it and he didn't do as I said. So I just sent it to her old house that Georg told me about. She isn't coming back so she won't find it." As he said that, I wanted to laugh in his face. I had this feeling that she was going to come back sooner or later, she would find it. I know it.

*Y/n's POV*
I woke up from the sun hitting my face. I groaned as I pulled the sheets of the bed over my face. I looked over the time and it was 12 in the afternoon. I groaned and pulled myself out of bed. I picked out some random hoodies and sweats and headed into the shower. I felt more and more worse as the days went on. Nothing was going good for me. I knew everything for the boys is probably going great. As I was in the shower, I grabbed the blade I've been using to cut myself. I don't know why but the pain felt good and hurtful of course. I liked it but I knew it wasn't good for me. For nobody. I winced as I began cutting deep into my skin as the water hit my arm. As I finished I grabbed a towel off the hanger and put it over the cut. I got out, drying myself and getting dressed. As I finished getting dressed, the dream I had of Tom flushed my brain. I felt myself stumble from the shock of it coming back into my head. after the dream, lately I've been feeling like I should go back and talk to them. Sort things out. It wouldn't be best to just leave without explanation as Gustav said. I sighed as I sat down at the edge of the bed thinking of what to do. I walked over to the computer that I had in the room and looked for a ticket for tomorrow to leave for Germany. Gustav was right, I should've listened. Maybe we could all just become friends once again. It's for the best. I saw a ticket, 11 am tomorrow. I booked a flight and quickly got off the computer. I walked over to the bags I had and began stuffing all clothes in there. I left out a hoodie and sweats for tomorrow. As I finished packing, I felt I needed to go for a walk. I put my shoes on, grabbing my keys and phone. I headed out of the building and began walking to the liquor store I always go to. If I leave, I might as well say goodbye to Alex. But this feeling kept coming across me as I felt someone watching me. I kept turning back, nobody. I felt someone staring at me, i just couldn't see who. Maybe no one is, I'm just overthinking. As I made my way into the liquor store, I walked to Alex. "Alexxx". I said .he turned back and greeted me with a smile.

"Hey y/n. Pack of cigarettes?" He asked. I nodded as he reached for a pack. Even though I bought one yesterday, I needed it for the plane back. He tossed it at me as I caught it and paid.

"Alex, I'm leaving tomorrow. Last one here. Thought I would say goodbye." I spoke up. He rested his elbows on the counter and looked at me.

"Well then y/n, I'm going to miss our everyday meetings." I smiled as I knew what he was referring to. I'm still in love with Tom, but to get him off my mind. Alex was my guy. We are friends, but with benefits.

"Yeah, well not today." I said laughing. He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Well don't forget about me. I'm still a friend of yours and you have my number so don't even forget to text me." He spoke up.

"I don't think I will." I walked back over to him and we hugged. Tightly, I'm going to miss him. He was someone I could talk to or meet with. As we pulled away, he smiled.

"Just one last kiss then?" He mumbled. I nodded. Our lips touched. Alex wasn't bad looking, he wasn't mean, he was someone you could be rely of. He reminded me much of Gustav except for the hook ups of course. We pulled away giving each other one hug before I headed out. As I walked out, I still felt the stare of someone. I looked over to see this black car. It was the only one on the street. I watched it from afar a I lit up a cigarette. I took one last look before I turned the corner. I felt unsafe, but it shouldn't matter. I'm just overthinking, right?

I really don't have any words. Xoxo 😘

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