PT 10

601 21 3

*Tom's POV*
Even though we dug a hole, we wouldn't need it, not anymore. But it kept us occupied and really brought us together more. It was around 2 am, so it was Thursday in the morning. The room was dark, and we were all sitting on the floor waiting for the police to arrive. After I was done talking to y/n, I was happy, relieved, and grateful. I had mixed emotions crossing me. The police are coming in different cars and they know the plan, it's working. As we waited, it was time to wake up my mom. I walked up to her, skating her softly. "Mom? It's time to get up." I pushed her hair out of her face. Her eyes fluttered open. She gave a good stretch.

"It's 2 already?" She asked. I nodded in response. She got up, putting shoes on and sitting with us on the floor. She became better throughout the week with the treatment we had given her. After about 5 minutes of waiting and given small talk, there was a knock on the front door. We all looked at each other, giving reassuring looks. We stood up, walking out of the room towards the door. We peeked out the front glass to make sure it was the cops, because you never know. Georg looked back at us nodded, signaling us it was them. He opened the door and there were 6 cops.

"Georg right?" The officer spoke up. Georg nodded.

"Yeah." He responded. They came in and sat us in the corner of the living room.

"You guys can call the girl now. The ambulances are coming just for a check up on you guys after we signal it's good." The lady explained. I nodded in response, taking out my phone and texting y/n.

*Y/n's POV*
I was in the room walking back and forth away from the window, waiting for a text to show up. I felt like time was going slow. I felt this feeling in my stomach that something was wrong. My thoughts were done when my phone buzzed. I grabbed my phone looking at the notification.

Tom ❤️🥰 - y/n, it's time

I looked at the message Tom had sent. It's time.

Y/n - okay.

I walked down to the front door, making sure I had my keys, cigarettes and phone. I opened the front door and walked out. I glanced to see the car that Bill's and Tom's dad was in. I got into my car, turning it on. I could see in the mirror that they also started their car. I felt my breathing get heavy from my nervousness. I pulled out of the driveway and started heading to the twins house. As I kept looking back in my mirror, they were following. I felt tears wanting to form. I was going to see them again, all of them. They'll be safe. I smiled at the fact I would see them again. But as I looked into the mirror again, they were getting closer and closer. I panicked a little, making me pull out a cigarette and light it while driving. I picked up the pace of my car moving faster. I need to be a little more ahead of them to at least make it to the front door. As I did, they couldn't keep up. They stayed at the pace that they were in. I inhaled the smoke while driving into the driveway of the house. As I got out, they weren't behind me, but I know they are close enough. I walked to the front door but heard their car quickly drive into the driveway. All of them got off and walked towards me. I inhaled my cigarette again, feeling tensed and anxious. "Y/n? Right?" Their dad said, walking close to me.

"Yeah? Who are you?" I responded, trying to keep calm.

"Oh, well. I'm Tom's and Bill's dad. Do you know of them?" He asked.

"Yea, they are my friends." I put out the cigarette.

"Huh. Friends. Are you sure about that?" He smirked.

"...yeah, I am." I backed up a little, hitting the door slightly.

He chuckled, walking closer to me. I could smell the alcohol from here. "Well y/n, looks like you're going to join the fun we've been having." He gave an evil smirk before pulling my hair, making me whimper from how hard he had done it. He opened the door to reveal it was pitch black.

"Ow, please-" I whimpered.

"Shut up!" He snapped back at me. It was dark for us to see anything. I felt myself fall onto the couch. "Get the lights for the living room!" I heard other footsteps. As the lights went on, I looked to see their dad being pushed to the ground by two police officers. I looked over to the other two guys who had also been knocked down.

"You are under arrest, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law!" The lady police spoke. I grabbed my chest feeling like I was closed in a box with no air. As they were all held to the ground by one officer, the lady came up to me. "Hey hey, it's okay. Breath, breath." She told me. I couldn't find my correct breathing. "I need an ambulance to come to ******, we have to check up on some people." She talked into her walkie talkie. As she tried to keep reassuring me, I felt two arms go around my body. My vision felt blurry, but as I looked up to see who it was. It was him.

Guys, things are getting good. Good in the best way possible. Xoxo 😘

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