PT 19

582 17 7

*Tom's POV*
It's a day before the concert. Since it was in Germany, we would just have to wake up early to arrive. The concert didn't start till 8 at night, but the venue thing is 2 hours away. We also have to do sound checks and everything. But for the week, we have been practicing with y/n on our music. We all agreed a Collab was best but not a full Collab, a collab where at the end we introduce her and she sings at the concert.We were all in the living room playing monopoly. Gustav was winning, he had the most properties and money. If you don't know him, he takes things very seriously sometimes. "Fucken shit! I'm in jail!" Bill yelled. He grabbed his character, putting it in the jail. We laughed as he rolled his eyes. My phone began to ring. I flipped it open to see the manager calling. "oh hold on, I gotta take this." I stood up, walking to the kitchen. "Hallo?" I spoke up.

"Hey Tom, so this is a little bit last minute but I am recommending it, kind of demanding, but you guys should go to a hotel closer to the venue. That way we have more time and won't waste any. Do you guys want that or no?" He asked.

"Oh uhhh, *looks back at the group*, uh yeah. We will leave right now."

"Alright, well the tour bus is coming to the house to pick you up and you'll leave. So hurry up."

"Alright, bye." I hung up, walking back to the group.

B- who called?

T- oh the manager.

Gv - what did he need?

T - so we need to start packing now. Basically we are going to a hotel closer to the venue, that way we have time for everything.

Y/n - oh, I'ma go pack now then. *Getting up*

T - the tour bus is taking us, so hurry up guys ok.

They all nodded before I walked away.

We finished packed, and we are now loading up the tour bus. My mom decided to stay back. As the last bag was put away, I walked up to my mom as she was standing in front of the bus. "I'll call you once I get over there ok?" I pulled her in a hug.

"You better." She gave me a kiss on the cheek. She gave everyone hugs. When it came to y/n, she hugged her whispering in her ear. I tried to hear but couldn't since the boys were talking.

"I will." Y/n pulled away, saying to my mom.

We went to the front desk as we had our bags in our hands. "Hi, room for Adriana Packer." The manager said.

"5 rooms correct?" The front lady said


"Okay, second floor, here are your keys. Enjoy." She handed the manager the keys and nodded. We walked to the elevator and pressed the second floor.

"Okay, here are your keys.  Tomorrow we wake up at 11. Since it's late, I need you guys to get rest. And don't wake up at 11, be ready by 11." Adriana said. We all nodded. My room was right next to y/n. Before I entered, I glanced over at y/n. She gave me a wink and a smile before entering her room and closing the door. I entered my room, and didn't unpack because we are only staying here for 2 days. Tomorrow and the next day. I put my bags on the couch and jumped on the bed. I wasn't tired because me and y/n cuddled, sleeping in the car drive here.. My phone went off, and it was a text from Bill.

Brother ❤️ - hey Tom, we are going to the pull. Wanna join?

Tom - is y/n going?

Brother ❤️ - yes tom, she is going.

Tom - okay I'm coming, see you there.

I flipped my phone down and changed into trunks. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom, put my slides on and headed to the elevator. The boys were there but y/n wasn't. "Where's y/n?" I asked.

They turned their faces to me. "She is still getting ready in her bathing suit." Gustav said. I nodded.

We were in the pool, splashing each other as y/n walked in from the gate. We all stopped splashing as she walked passed up,setting her things down. God, she is so beautiful. Her body, her personality, just her. She looked back, a smirk creeping up her first. "Like what you see?" She said, as she started walking up to us, swaying her hips.

"Yeah." We are all synchronized. I gave a look back at the boys, and they looked away trying to play it off. She gave a little laugh, before diving in the pool. She is amazing at everything. I'm going to make her mine tomorrow. No doubt.

This one is short, sorryyyy! But it's going to  get better. Xoxo 😘

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