PT 13

682 23 4

*y/n's POV*

"Can we talk y/n?"

I stopped the sink, turning around and nodding. He smiled, gently grabbing my wrist and walking us towards my room. "Be right back!" He yelled as we walked away from everyone. I sat down on the bed as Tom closed the door, taking a seat next to me. I looked at him, turning myself more towards him. He looks up at me and lets out a sigh. "I know I messed up. Horribly. And I feel bad, really bad. I know I shouldn't have assumed so quickly, I should've trusted you instead of that bitch. And we haven't talked since then until yesterday. Everything went bad after that night, like a curse was out on us because of Alyssa. But I'm sorry, for everything. I feel like we should talk about it." He was looking down the entire time, fidgeting with his hands. I sighed and grabbed his hands, placing them in mine. He looked up with his glossy eyes.

"I'm sorry Tom. I shouldn't have left like that without a full explanation. But you're right, it is time to talk about it." I said.

"Okay, so when you went to the bathroom, Alyssa walked up to me and she sat herself on my lap. I told her to get off and she said she saw you and Georg kissing in the bathroom. I didn't know what to do, I felt frozen but then Alyssa said something like you cheated but it's ok because she was there and she grabbed-" he stopped as began to tremble his words. He was looking at me with his eyes filled with tears now, one running down his cheek. "She- she grabbed my cheek and kissed me. I was so dumb enough to kiss back. I hate myself for it. I'll always hate myself for it. For believing someone that isn't you. I'm sorry. I am. I forever will be. But please understand that it won't happen again ever." He grabbed my hand back as tears rolled down his face. I never seen Tom cry this much, for anyone but Bill probably. I sighed as I felt tears form in my eye. I grabbed Tom's face with my hands on his cheek, pulling him into a kiss. Not no lust kiss or just a kiss. A kiss of passion, a kiss of telling him it's ok. I pulled away, putting my forehead against his as he seem stunned from the kiss.

"Tom, it's okay. You don't need to explain anymore. I forgive you." I wiped his tear from falling. He pulled me into a tight hug as I hugged back. We stayed in silence for a while. "I'm sorry." I said, pulling myself away from him.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong." He sniffled.

"I did though. I didn't let you explain. I assumed you really didn't care for me but wanted Alyssa. I also did something wrong. All of this wouldn't have happened if I jsut gave you a chance. And I'm sorry for not listening, I'm sorry for leaving you guys, I'm sorry for putting you through this, I'm sorry you even had to go through this. If I was here you wouldn't have this happened. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It not your fault. But I'm glad we are here now ok." He pulled me into a hug. I felt safe in his arms. Like the world didn't exist and we were just two people there on a floor. After about 2 minutes of hugging, I pulled away and smiled.

"I would love to stay like this still, but I have to go clean up." I wiped my tears.

"Okay fineeee but, to make for all this. Tomorrow we are going to have a fun day, just me and you." He smiled.

"That'd be great." I gave a kiss on the cheek as I walked to the kitchen as he walked to the living room. I cleaned up and during the time everyone started taking showers. As I finished sweeping, they were all already dressed for the day, but in comfy clothes. I walked into the living room, seeing them just talking. I smiled to myself and headed upstairs. I grabbed some shorts and a regular black t-shirt and headed in the shower. I got dressed and put a hoodie over the shirt. I'm glad they haven't said anything about the cuts yet, but that's because I've been hiding them. The only bad part was that it was hot since it was still summer. As I finished, I walked out of my room heading the kitchen to grab a water. I grabbed some water and walked into the living room to still see them talking.

"Hey guys." I said. They all turned to me with a smile.

"Hey." They all said. I walked over and sat on the floor as the couches were all taken.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie? It's kind of hot." Simone said. I felt myself hot already but I became more heated as she asked. I felt myself struggling to say something.

"Um...I.....uh..." I can't just say, "oh I cutted myself when I was in California because I wanted to die from everything happening."

"Y/n?" Gustav spoke up, taking me out of my thoughts.

"I just feel more comfortable with a hoodie." I said, giving me a soft smile. They all nodded their heads, looking over to Tom. His face said that he knew. He knew what it was. But how? I didn't say anything about it...

We were watching a movie as today we just decided to chill and relax from all the world's problems. We were on our 3rd movie for the day, and everyone fell asleep during it. I was so intrigued by the movie, I paid attention. But in the middle of the movie, it became boring and I looked to see everyone asleep. I looked up at Tom and saw him peacefully sleeping. His mouth is a little open, making snoring noises. Bill was next to me, laying his head on my lap as I laid my head on Tom's chest. I didn't want to wake them up, but I needed a smoke. I gently picked Bill's head up and placed it on the couch arms, and I took Tom's arm he had placed around me, on the couch's head. I stood up, walking to my room. I took a cigarette and lighter, walking to my window balcony. Inhaling the toxins, my phone began to buzz. I flipped it open to reveal who was calling. "Aunt Tracy." I knew what this call would be about. I answered it and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I exhaled the smoke.

"Y/n? Hey honey, it's me aunt Tracy." She spoke on the other line.

"Hey auntie, how have you been?"

"I've been good, but how have you been. I heard what happened.." she lowered her voice.

"Yeah, I'm taking it not the best but I'll be fine I guess."

"Look, the funeral is next week which is Friday. We took it in our hands to do it just because you're still young ok."

I felt myself shattered. Thoughts came in my head as I heard the funeral. "Um, yeah ok. Thanks for telling me." I mumbled, feeling myself build tears.

"I'll text you the information okay honey."

"Yeah, um bye auntie."

"Bye sweetie."

As I put my phone in the pocket of the hoodie, I broke down. That funeral is going to be hard. I can't, I can't do it. Tears rolled down my face as I kept smoking, thinking if I should even go or not. How am I going to handle it. I felt two arms hold my waist pulling me into a hug. "It's ok y/n."

I hugged back, feeling myself calm down. He always could do it. It's Tom for crying out loud, he knew me too well. "I know but it's not really." I sniffled as I lit my cigarette out.

"Let's just go to bed huh. You still need rest you know." He stated. I nodded my head as we walked into the room, hopping in the bed. Cuddling into each other as we drifted to sleep. But for real though, how am I going to handle this. All this....

Guysss, I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a party and wasn't able to post on here. Xoxo 😘

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