PT 24

577 15 9

*Y/n's POV*
yeah....that happened. Okay, now I have a POV, finally. Let me break my feelings down first though okay. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
That's how I feel. Literally. Oh, you don't understand. Okay fine. I feel wonderfully, like that happiest woman on earth. It was the best sex, ever. I know you are jealous. It's ok though. Anyways, I'm glad we are back to the old times. I haven't had you guys in my view for awhile, but let's just say. Every since the day of the concert, I felt just, happy, loved, and a family again with the twins, Simone, Gustav and Georg. However, that doesn't mean to forget about me and my feelings ok!? Now, where were we......

I woke up as Tom was on my chest, using my breast as pillows. He looked so peaceful. All I remember from last night was the sex....him taking care of me in the shower and afterwards. I even got a nice massage, can you believe that!? Anyways, we cuddled as we drifted to sleep. It's now 8 in the morning. Oh shit. The band, well my band, is coming over today. Yes! As I was about to move, I didn't want to wake Tom up. So I slipped out, falling into the ground with a thud. I froze and looked up to see him still sleeping. Close one. I stood up, walking to the bathroom, doing my business and brushing my teeth. I brushed my hair, as it was messy from sleeping. I walked out silently, closing the door and walking to the kitchen. Hearing faint laughter, I looked to see the boys awake. "Hey boys". I walked into the kitchen.

Gv - good morning sunshine *hugs*

G - so, how was it?

Y/n - *freezes* what..

B - NO! I don't wanna know.

Gv - we walked into the house yesterday thinking you were done, but you guys were loud and still-


Y/n - *laughs* you're so lucky your mom wasn't here either. Is she here today?

G - no, she went out again with some friends. She recovered well.

Y/n - I know, I'm glad.

I walked away to the coffee maker. Yeah, I'm glad we all recovered well. We could get back to our old lives. The fun, the memories, all of it. I put my cup of coffee down, grabbing a banana and peeling it. I began to eat it, and looked at the boys who were smirking. "Oh you guys are such PERVS!" I slapped Bill's arm. They all began to laugh. I felt arms wrap around my waist. Oh, now it's more of an explanation on why they were smirking.

T - morning beautiful *kissed your head*

Y/n - good morning t

B - oh, and for the record, lock all doors next time. Even the front. I don't and won't want to walk in on ANY NOISES ANYMORE.

We all laughed at Bill who was intensely traumatized..woops. the house phone begins to go off so I pulled away from Tom, picking up the phone.

Y/n - helloooo?

Unknown - hi is this y/n?

Y/n - this is she

Unknown - oh, hey y/n! It's me Travis!

Y/n - Travis!? Oh my god hi! How are you!? Have you guys-

Travis - woah woah woah, calm down. I'm good, I can't wait to see you again. We all miss you. And we just arrived but we are going to unpack our things at a hotel. We are staying for a while until we get on foot for a house.

Y/n - a house? Your guys are staying in Germany?

Travis - yes, we are. But we are going to be over there in about 2 - 3 hours. So we'll see you there ok?

Y/n - okay! I'll be ready! Byeee

Travis - bye y/n

I put the phone down and squealed. "Guyssss! The band arrived and is coming in about 3 hours! I have to get the house, clean I have to get ready I-"

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