PT 18

566 18 1

(RECOMMENDATION - play this song when you are writing/playing it. Enjoy!)

*Tom's POV*
Since Friday, y/n hasn't been eating a lot, talking, or out of her room. She wants to be alone but I don't let her. Well I do let her I just sit by her door until I hear movement I go away so she doesn't see me. Today Sunday, and she also receives the ashes of her father and mother. I know she is gonna cry, and I'm here for you.

*Y/n's POV*
Today was the day I would finally get my parents back, in ashes. I couldn't bear the fact that day, was the last day I would ever see them. I haven't been feeling like doing anything, at all. I know Tom and everyone is worried, especially Tom. He probably doesn't think I know that he sits outside of my room. But I do. And I find it cute. I was ready to take a shower and put on some comfy clothes and lay in bed. That's all I have done since Friday. I am hungry, and I want to talk but I can't. I just can't.

"Y/n?" A voice came from the door. Tom knocked. I didn't reply, but they come in either way. My back was facing him when he opened the door. "Y/n? Are you awake?" He sat at the edge of the bed. He peeked over to see I was awake. "Y/n, dot. Your Aunt Tracy is here." I looked up to him, as he gave a small smile.

"I'll be down in a minute." I mumbled. He nodded at me, giving me a kiss on my temple.

"When you're ready." He walked out, shutting the door behind him. After about seconds, I sat up. I put some slides on and an oversized hoodie, Tom's to be exact... And walked out the door. I heard faint talk as I walked towards the room. "She's going to be ok, I know it." Tom's voice said. I smiled at myself, he really is changing..just for me. I walked in and all my eyes went to me. I connected my eyes to Tom, his beautiful brown luscious eyes. I gave a faint smirk before turning to my aunt tracy.

"Hey honey." She embraced me.

"Hey tia." I mumbled. I pulled away as she turned, letting me see my mom and dad. My mom was beautiful, she was pink with a sun on her. It quoted, "With all my love, my heart for you." My dad, he was blue with the moon and stars around his vase. "My choice, but you're my life." I slowly walked up to the vases, as a smile crept up but tears falling from my cheeks. I kneeled down, putting my hands on the side of the vases. "Welcome home mom and dad."

*Tom's POV*
Y/n aunt had left, telling her that she and the rest of the family would be leaving back to new Jersey. Y/n walked to the living room, placing her parents at a corner table. She sobbed as she caressed the vases. I walked up behind her, giving her a hug. A reassurance hug. She turned around, sobbing. "It's okay, they're home now ok. Safe and sound." I held her head against my chest, feeling her nod.

"I'm going to go lay down for a bit ok." She mumbled, pulling away. I nodded as she gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading to her room.

*Y/n's POV*
I closed my door, grabbing my notebook I always wrote songs in. I began to write, the feelings flowing out. As I finished up the lyrics which took about 30 minutes, I did the guitar notes for it. Taking up an hour, I decided to play, with just the guitar, just to make sure it sounds right. Not knowing that they were there at the door, hearing.

Day to day, it haunts me
Every time, I try to speak
It consumes my mind, it consumes my soul
It wants my life, it wants complete control
Somebody help me before it's dead
Somebody help me before I'm dead
I feel alone, all the time
It's still quiet, lurking inside
I'm a walking contradiction
Everything I say is an affliction to him
Somebody help me before its bad
Somebody help me before I end up dead

As I finished, my eyes were glossy, but not much tears. I felt happy playing guitar, making a song about them. It felt good. I felt like they knew somehow. Putting my guitar down, closing my notebook, I turned to see them all standing in the doorway. "Y/n." Tom spoke. I crept a smile as they all ran in, hugging me. I let out a laugh. "You laughed." Tom pulled away, holding my shoulders. (By the way, you guys could imagine the expressing and face structure when you talk with multiple people)

Y/n - "Is it a crime?"

T- "Not for you." Embracing me.

B - is the song for them?

I pulled away from Tom, as we all sat down on the floor, even Simone.

Y/n - yeah, it is. I needed to get my mind off the sadness, so I picked up the guitar and yeah.

T - I missed your voice ( he said out of nowhere.)

Y/n - I missed it too.

*Tom's POV*
We finished eating dinner and y/n ate. I helped her out but she munched afterwards. Now me and her were sitting in the practice room as I helped hrr with the new song. "So..are you going to continue the music career?" I spoke up, looking at her as she wrote down drum notes.

"Uh, yeah. I am thinking about it." She crept a smile and a glance.

"Well then, I have a idea."

"Yeah, and what is that?" She put her pencil down, putting full attention to me.

"Well, we could call the manager that had you before, and your group of course, and we could try to figure out a situation for your band." I explained.

She gave thought to it. " Yeah, I like that. But maybe I could be with you guys instead. You know like a back up singer or a helper you know."

"Hmmm. Or, maybe we could Collab. And tomorrow night maybe we could release a song of your choice to our crowd?" I suggested.

A smile slowly appeared on her face as she looked at me with her beautiful eyes. "I like that more." She came closer to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. We aren't together but it feels like it. I know we still like each other. I love her to be exact. I'll make her dream come true, its y/n for crying out loud.

"I guess we got a plan."

Hey pooks! I missed you guys sm! This one took a little long to make because of the lyrics I put in and because I kept dozing off to a movie. But what do you guys think of this chapter? Xoxo 😘

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